Upgrade the QuoteRequestAgent module

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Upgrading from version 2.x.x to version 3.x.x

In this new version of the QuoteRequestAgentPage module, we have added support of shipment costs. You can find more details about the changes on the QuoteRequestAgentPage module release page. The major changes are:

  • Added new dependency spryker/shipment:^8.4.0.
  • Added new dependency spryker/step-engine:^3.3.0.
  • Added new dependency spryker/messenger:^3.0.0.
  • Added new dependency spryker/persistent-cart:^3.0.0.
  • Removed several twig files.

Estimated migration time: ~2h

To migrate the module QuoteRequestAgent from version 2.0.0 to 3.0.0, do the following:

  1. Update the QuoteRequestPage module:
composer require spryker-shop/quote-request-agent-page: "^3.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. Regenerate transfer objects:
console transfer:generate
  1. Some files were re-organized, please check if you had overwritten them on project level:

    • Adjusted source-price-form molecule to remove deprecated priceFiled data property.
    • Adjusted page-layout-quote-request template to extend page-layout-quote-request template from QuoteRequestPage module instead of page-layout-agent.
    • Adjusted quote-request-create view to extend page-layout-agent template from AgentPage module instead of page-layout-quote-request.
    • Adjusted quote-request-create view to update title glossary key.
    • Adjusted quote-request-edit-items-confirm view to extend page-layout-confirmation template instead of page-layout-quote-request.
    • Adjusted quote-request-view view to extend page-layout-agent template instead of page-layout-quote-request.

Upgrading from version 1.x.x to version 2.x.x

The one major change of QuoteRequestAgent 2.x.x is the dependency update for spryker/quote-request:^2.0.0.

Estimated migration time: ~1h

To migrate the module QuoteRequestAgent from version 1.0.0 to 2.0.0, do the following:

  1. Update spryker/quote-request:^2.0. by following the steps from the Upgrade the QuoteRequest module
  2. Update spryker/quote-request-agent:^2.0.0:
composer require spryker/quote-request-agent: "^2.0.0" --update-with-dependencies
  1. To generate transfers, run the following command:
vendor/bin/console transfer:generate