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SprykerEco.CrefoPay spryker-eco/crefo-pay module provides integration of Spryker e-commerce system with the CrefoPay technology partner. It requires SprykerEco.CrefoPayApi spryker-eco/crefo-pay-api module that provides the REST Client for making API calls to CrefoPay Payment Provider.

The SprykerEco.CrefoPay module includes integration with:

  • Checkout process - payment forms with all necessary fields that are required to make a payment request, save order information and so on.
  • OMS (Order Management System) - state machines, all necessary commands for making modification requests and conditions for changing order statuses accordingly.

The SprykerEco.CrefoPay module provides the following payment methods:

To integrate CrefoPay into your system the see following articles:

See Disclaimer.

For further information on this partner and integration into Spryker, please contact us.