Custom Order Reference overview

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Custom Order Reference helps you control purchases and link the internal orders to external systems from your company using your external order reference. With the feature in place, you can add a custom order reference, such as an invoice, to the order on Yves.


Keep in mind that the custom order references are available only for logged-in users.

In the Storefront, you, as a buyer, can add a custom order reference to the order or edit it (if needed) on the Cart page and then view it on the Summary page. Once the order has been placed, the reference becomes non-editable and is displayed on the Order Details page in your customer account.

Cart page


Summary page


Order Details page


When working with the order in the Back Office, you, as a Back Office user, can view, edit, or remove the custom order reference on the order details page.


If you submit a quote request and then convert it to the shopping cart, the cart gets locked. However, you still can add and update the customer order reference for the locked cart.

In the Approval Process scenarios, both an approver and buyer can add or edit the custom order reference during the checkout.

When sharing a cart by a link with external users, they can only view the custom order reference. However, when sharing a cart by a link with internal users, they can update the custom order reference for the shopping cart with the read-only and full-access permissions.

Current constraints

If you added a custom order reference to the cart, submitted a request for quote, and then converted the RFQ to the cart, the custom order reference will be removed. Thus, you will need to add the reference once the RFQ has been converted to the cart.

Adding and removing custom order references