Install the Cart + Product Bundles feature
Edit on GitHubThis document describes how to install the Product Bundles + Cart feature.
Install feature core
Follow the steps below to install feature core.
Install the required features:
Spryker Core | 202311.0 | Install the Spryker Core feature |
Product Bundles | 202311.0 | Install the Product Bundles feature |
Cart | 202311.0 |
Set up behavior
ProductBundleItemCountQuantityPlugin | Returns combined quantity of all items in the cart. | None | Spryker\Client\ProductBundle\Plugin\Cart |
namespace Pyz\Client\Cart;
use Spryker\Client\Cart\CartDependencyProvider as SprykerCartDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Client\ProductBundle\Plugin\Cart\ProductBundleItemCountQuantityPlugin;
class CartDependencyProvider extends SprykerCartDependencyProvider
* @return \Spryker\Client\Cart\Dependency\Plugin\ItemCountPluginInterface
protected function getItemCountPlugin(): ItemCountPluginInterface
return new ProductBundleItemCountQuantityPlugin();
Add several regular products and product bundles to the cart. Make sure that the item counter of the cart widget shows the correct number—bundled items must not be counted as separate items.
Alternative setup for handling large quantities of bundled products in the cart
When a bundle product is added to the cart with a large quantity (for example, 100-200 items), users may experience a slow-down in the cart operations handling or even may get an internal server error because of insufficient memory.
To avoid a slow-down in the cart operations and internal server errors, an alternative set of plugins has been implemented:
RefreshBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartOperationPostSavePlugin | CartPostSaveUpdateBundlesPlugin | Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\Cart |
UnfoldBundlesToUnitedItemsItemExpanderPlugin | ExpandBundleItemsPlugin | Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\Cart |
ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpanderPlugin | RemoveBundleChangeRequestExpanderPlugin | Spryker\Client\ProductBundle\Plugin\Cart |
ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpandPlugin | RemoveBundleChangeRequestExpanderPlugin | Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\PersistentCart |
1) Set up new plugins
To use this alternative solution, all old plugins must be removed and new ones connected instead.
namespace Pyz\Zed\Cart;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container;
use Spryker\Zed\Cart\CartDependencyProvider as SprykerCartDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\Cart\RefreshBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartOperationPostSavePlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\Cart\UnfoldBundlesToUnitedItemsItemExpanderPlugin;
class CartDependencyProvider extends SprykerCartDependencyProvider
* @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\CartExtension\Dependency\Plugin\ItemExpanderPluginInterface>
protected function getExpanderPlugins(Container $container): array
return [
// new ExpandBundleItemsPlugin(),
new UnfoldBundlesToUnitedItemsItemExpanderPlugin(),
* @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\CartExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CartOperationPostSavePluginInterface>
protected function getPostSavePlugins(Container $container): array
return [
// new CartPostSaveUpdateBundlesPlugin(),
new RefreshBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartOperationPostSavePlugin(),
namespace Pyz\Client\Cart;
use Spryker\Client\Cart\CartDependencyProvider as SprykerCartDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Client\ProductBundle\Plugin\Cart\ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpanderPlugin;
class CartDependencyProvider extends SprykerCartDependencyProvider
* @return array<\Spryker\Client\CartExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CartChangeRequestExpanderPluginInterface>
protected function getRemoveItemsRequestExpanderPlugins(): array
return [
// new RemoveBundleChangeRequestExpanderPlugin(),
new ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpanderPlugin(),
namespace Pyz\Zed\PersistentCart;
use Spryker\Zed\PersistentCart\PersistentCartDependencyProvider as SprykerPersistentCartDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Communication\Plugin\PersistentCart\ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpandPlugin;
class PersistentCartDependencyProvider extends SprykerPersistentCartDependencyProvider
* @return array<\Spryker\Zed\PersistentCartExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CartChangeRequestExpandPluginInterface>
protected function getRemoveItemsRequestExpanderPlugins(): array
return [
// new RemoveBundleChangeRequestExpanderPlugin(),
new ReplaceBundlesWithUnitedItemsCartChangeRequestExpandPlugin(),
Add a product bundle to the cart and increase its quantity to a larger number—for example, 1,000 items. Then, decrease the quantity. Make sure that increase and decrease operations are performed without a significant delay and do not fail, with an exception.
Perform this verification both as an anonymous and logged-in user.
2) Adjust a non-splittable quantity threshold for bundled items in the SalesQuantity
module config.
To create an order successfully with a large number of product bundles in the cart, the SalesQuantityConfig::BUNDLED_ITEM_NONSPLIT_QUANTITY_THRESHOLD
constant in the SalesQuantity
module config must be also set to a lower number—for example, 10.
This constant controls the bundle quantity threshold. When the threshold is reached, it keeps bundled items from splitting into individual items and adds them to the order as a single shipment.
The lower the threshold, the fewer number of separate shipments are created in an order, which decreases the potential probability of insufficient memory errors during the order creation process.
For details, see Install the Splittable Order Items feature.
Thank you!
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