Managing marketplace abstract product meta information

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This document describes how to manage marketplace abstract product meta information in the Merchant Portal.


To start working with marketplace abstract products, go to Merchant Portall > Products.

This document contains reference information. Make sure to review it before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Adding abstract product meta information

To add meta information for a product:

  1. Next to the abstract product, you want to add meta information for, hover over the three dots and click Manage Product, or just click the line. This takes you to the [Product name], Abstract Product Details tab.
  2. Scroll down to the SEO pane.
  3. Fill the following fields for the desired locales:
  • Meta title
  • Meta keywords—separate keywords with comma.
  • Meta description
  1. Click Save.

Editing abstract product meta information

To modify meta information for a product:

  1. Next to the abstract product you want to edit meta information for hover over the three dots and click Manage Product, or just click the line. This takes you to the [Product name], Abstract Product Details tab.

  2. Scroll down to the SEO pane.

  3. Update the following fields for the desired locales:

    • Meta title
    • Meta keywords—separate keywords with comma.
    • Meta description
  4. Click Save.

Reference information: SEO pane

Meta title Meta title for your product.
Meta keywords Meta keywords for your product.
Meta description Meta description for your product.

Next steps