Edit company roles

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This document describes how to edit company roles in the Back Office.


Review the reference information before you start, or look up the necessary information as you go through the process.

Edit a company role

  1. Go to Company Account > Company Roles.
  2. On the Company Roles page, next to the role you want to edit, click Edit.
  3. Enter a NAME
  4. To automatically apply this role to every new user of the company, select IS DEFAULT.
  5. For ASSIGNED PERMISSIONS, clear the checkboxes next to the permission you want to deassign from this role.
  6. For UNASSIGNED PERMISSIONS section, select the checkboxes next to the permissions to assign to this role.
  7. Click Submit. This refreshes the page with a success message displayed.

Reference information: Edit a company role

COMPANY A company this role belongs to. To define a role’s company, create it from scratch.
NAME Unique identifier of the role.
IS DEFAULT Defines if this role is used by default for all the new company users created. If the selected COMPANY already has a default role, by selecting this option you change the default role to this one.
ASSIGNED PERMISSIONS Permissions that are assigned to this role. The permissions are defined on a code level.
UNASSIGNED PERMISSIONS Permissions that are not assigned to this role. The permissions are defined on a code level.