Persistence ACL feature: Domain model and relationships
Edit on GitHubThe following module dependency graph and table list the main modules of the Persistence ACL feature and their interaction.
Acl | \Spryker\Zed\Acl\Business\AclFacade::getUserRoles() is used to get logged in user AclRoles . |
AclExtension | Spryker\Zed\AclExtension\Dependency\Plugin\AclRolePostSavePluginInterface is used to save AclEntityRules for AclRole . |
AclEntityDataImport | AclEntityRule and AclEntitySegment are used to import data. |
AclEntityExtension | In /Spryker/Zed/AclEntityExtension/Dependency/Plugin/AclEntityDisablerPluginInterface , AclEntityDisablerPluginInterface determines whether the feature is enabled. \Spryker\Zed\AclEntityExtension\Dependency\Plugin\AclEntityMetadataConfigExpanderPluginInterface is used in \Spryker\Zed\AclEntity\Business\AclEntityFacade::getAclEntityMetadataConfig() to expand the module configuration. |
PropelOrm | The module is used as a container for Propel library. |
User | \Spryker\Zed\User\Business\UserFacade::hasCurrentUser() is used to check if the user is logged in. \Spryker\Zed\User\Business\UserFacade::getCurrentUser() is used to determine which AclEntityRules should be considered during query processing. |
Domain model
The following schema illustrates the Persistence ACL domain model:
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