Install and configure Unzer

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This document describes how to install and configure the Unzer module to integrate the Unzer module into your project.


The spryker-eco/unzer module provides integration of the Spryker e-commerce system with the Unzer technology partner. It requires the SprykerEco.UnzerApi spryker-eco/unzer-api module, which provides the REST Client for making API calls to the Unzer payment provider. It also requires the SprykerEco.UnzerGui spryker-eco/unzer-gui module, which provides Back Office functionality to configure Unzer credentials.

The SprykerEco.Unzer module includes integration with the following:

  • Checkout process—payment forms with all necessary fields that are required to make payment request and save order information.
  • Order Management System (OMS)—state machines with all necessary commands for making modification requests and conditions for changing orders status accordingly.

The SprykerEco.Unzer module provides the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card
  • Sofort
  • Bank Transfer
  • Marketplace Credit Card
  • Marketplace Sofort
  • Marketplace Bank Transfer

Install and configure Unzer

To install and configure the Unzer module, follow the steps below.

Install Unzer modules

composer require spryker-eco/unzer spryker-eco/unzer-gui

Check general configuration

You can find all necessary configurations in vendor/spryker-eco/unzer/config/config.dist.php and vendor/spryker-eco/unzer-api/config/config.dist.php.

The following table describes all general configuration keys and their values.

UnzerConstants::UNZER_AUTHORIZE_RETURN_URL String Return back URL after payment authorization.
UnzerConstants::UNZER_CHARGE_RETURN_URL String Return back URL after payment direct charge.
UnzerConstants::WEBHOOK_RETRIEVE_URL String Webhook retrieve URL for Unzer payment notifications.
UnzerConstants::VAULT_DATA_TYPE String Abstract data type for Unzer data saved in Spryker.Vault.
VaultConstants::ENCRYPTION_KEY String Key for encrypting Unzer private keys in Spryker.Vault.
UnzerConstants::EXPENSES_REFUND_STRATEGY_KEY Integer Expense (shipment) refund strategy key. for details, see the Select expense refund strategies section.
UnzerApiConstants::LOG_API_CALLS Boolean Flag indicating if API calls log must be saved.

Configuration example



use Spryker\Shared\Vault\VaultConstants;
use SprykerEco\Shared\Unzer\UnzerConstants;
use SprykerEco\Shared\UnzerApi\UnzerApiConstants;

$config[VaultConstants::ENCRYPTION_KEY] = 'nzb9y7rNpyn5W5dd';
$config[UnzerConstants::WEBHOOK_RETRIEVE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerConstants::VAULT_DATA_TYPE] = 'unzer-private-key';

$config[UnzerApiConstants::WEBHOOK_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::CUSTOMER_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::BASKET_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_BASKET_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_AUTHORIZE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::AUTHORIZE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::METADATA_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_GET_PAYMENT_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::GET_PAYMENT_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::CHARGE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_CHARGE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_CREDIT_CARD_CHARGE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::CREDIT_CARD_CHARGE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::CREATE_PAYMENT_RESOURCE_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::MARKETPLACE_REFUND_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::REFUND_URL] = '';
$config[UnzerApiConstants::GET_PAYMENT_METHODS_URL] = '';



use SprykerEco\Shared\Unzer\UnzerConstants;

$config[UnzerConstants::UNZER_AUTHORIZE_RETURN_URL] = 'https://mysprykershop/unzer/payment-result';
$config[UnzerConstants::UNZER_CHARGE_RETURN_URL] = 'https://mysprykershop/unzer/payment-result';

Add payment methods to State Machine and Domain Whitelist configuration

Add payment methods to the State Machine (OMS), Domain Whitelist, and Session Frontend configuration:

$config[KernelConstants::DOMAIN_WHITELIST] = array_merge($trustedHosts, [

$config[SessionConstants::YVES_SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE] = Cookie::SAMESITE_LAX; // Allows to redirect customers from Unzer back to the shop via a `GET` request.

$config[OmsConstants::PROCESS_LOCATION] = [
    APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/spryker-eco/unzer/config/Zed/Oms',

$config[OmsConstants::ACTIVE_PROCESSES] = [

    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_MARKETPLACE_BANK_TRANSFER => 'UnzerMarketplaceBankTransfer01',
    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_MARKETPLACE_CREDIT_CARD => 'UnzerMarketplaceCreditCard01',
    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_CREDIT_CARD => 'UnzerCreditCard01',
    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_MARKETPLACE_SOFORT => 'UnzerMarketplaceSofort01',
    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_BANK_TRANSFER => 'UnzerBankTransfer01',
    UnzerConfig::PAYMENT_METHOD_KEY_SOFORT => 'UnzerSofort01',

Configure notifications

To complete the payment modification requests (authorize succeeded, payment completed), you must provide a correct URL of your Yves with the /unzer/notification path to the config file.


    $config[UnzerConstants::WEBHOOK_RETRIEVE_URL] = 'https://mysprykershop/unzer/notification';

Select expense refund strategy

You can choose one of the provided refund strategies for your payment flow (the configuration key: UnzerConstants::EXPENSES_REFUND_STRATEGY_KEY):

  • UnzerConstants::LAST_SHIPMENT_ITEM_EXPENSES_REFUND_STRATEGY—expense costs are refunded with the last item in corresponding shipment.
  • UnzerConstants::LAST_ORDER_ITEM_EXPENSES_REFUND_STRATEGY—expense costs are refunded with the last item in the whole order.
  • UnzerConstants::NO_EXPENSES_REFUND_STRATEGY—expense costs are not refunded.

Check payment after return request

To check whether authorization has been successful or failed, for UnzerConstants::UNZER_AUTHORIZE_RETURN_URL, use the following Yves path —https://mysprykershop/unzer/payment-result. After the check is complete, this endpoint redirects a customer to a default success or fail page.