Installing and configuring FACT-Finder

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Composer dependency:

To install Spryker’s FactFinder module, use composer:

composer require spryker-eco/fact-finder-sdk
composer require spryker-eco/fact-finder

If you faced an issue with the FACT-Finder library dependency and it’s not installed, please use the following instructions:

  1. Add composer.json> file to the respective section of your project, FACT-Finder/FACT-Finder-PHP-Library": "1.3.*
  2. Add to the repositories section:
{"type": "git","url": ""}
  1. Run composer update command:
composer update

Channel Configuration

Channel Management in FACT-Finder admin panel can be used for creating and removing the channels. It also creates parent-child hierarchy and manages backups.

By default, channel settings should be the following:

  • File encoding - UTF-8
  • Enclosing (quote) character - "
  • Field separator - ,
  • Number of header lines - 1
  • Data record ID - ProductNumber
  • Product number for tracking - ProductNumber