Export file details: order_items.csv

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These are the header fields included in the order_items.csv file:

1 order_reference Yes String Order reference identifier.
2 order_item_reference No String Unique Order item reference identifier.
3 product_name No String Product name of the order item.
4 product_sku Yes String SKU of the order item.
5 canceled_amount No Number Default = 0 Canceled amount of the order item.
6 order_item_note No String Note of the order item.
7 discount_amount_aggregation No Number Default = 0 Discount amount aggregation of the order item.
8 discount_amount_full_aggregation No Number Default = 0 Discount amount full aggregation of the order item.
9 expense_price_aggregation No Number Default = 0 Expense price aggregation of the order item.
10 gross_price No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Gross price of the order item.
11 net_price No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Net price of the order item.
12 price No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Price of the order item.
13 price_to_pay_aggregation No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Price to pay aggregation of the order item.
14 product_option_price_aggregation No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Product option price aggregation of the order item.
15 quantity Yes Number Default = 1 Quantity of items in this order item.
16 refundable_amount No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Refundable amount of the order item.
17 subtotal_aggregation No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Subtotal aggregation of the order item.
18 tax_amount No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Tax amount of the order item.
19 tax_amount_after_cancellation No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Tax amount after cancellation of the order item.
20 tax_amount_full_aggregation No Number The original value is multiplied by 100, before stored in this field. Tax amount full aggregation of the order item.
21 tax_rate No Number Tax rate of the order item.
22 tax_rate_average_aggregation No Number Tax rate average aggregation of the order item.
23 order_item_created_at No Date Time Timestamp of this order item creation.
24 order_item_update_at No Date Time Last update timestamp of this order item.
25 order_item_state Yes String State of this order item. Project specific states defined in Spryker project state-machine are: Pay, Ship, Stock-update, Close, Return, Refund.
26 order_item_state_description No String State description of this order item.
27 order_item_process No String Process of this order item.
28 order_item_bundle_id No Number Bundle product information identifier of the order item.
29 order_item_bundle_note No String Note of the ordered item bundle product.
30 order_item_bundle_gross_price Yes Number Gross price of the ordered item bundle product.
31 order_item_bundle_image No String Image of the order item bundle product.
32 order_item_bundle_product_name Yes String Bundle product name of the order item.
33 order_item_bundle_net_price No Number Default = 0 Net price of the ordered item bundle.
34 order_item_bundle_price No Number Default = 0 Price of the ordered item bundle.
35 order_item_bundle_product_sku Yes String SKU of the product bundle in the order item.
36 order_shipment_id No Number Order shipment identifier.
37 shipment_carrier_name No String Name of the shipment carrier.
38 shipment_delivery_time No String Delivery time of the shipment.
39 shipment_method_name No String Name of the shipment method.
40 shipment_requested_delivery_date No Date Requested delivery date of the shipment.
41 shipping_address_salutation No String Customer salutation used with shipping address.
42 shipping_address_first_name No String Customer’s first name used in shipping address.
43 shipping_address_last_name No String Customer’s last name used in shipping address.
44 shipping_address_middle_name No String Customer’s middle name used in shipping address.
45 shipping_address_email No String E-mail used with shipping address.
46 shipping_address_cell_phone No String Cell phone used with shipping address.
47 shipping_address_phone No String Phone used with shipping address.
48 shipping_address_address1 No String Address first line of shipping address.
Shipping address is the address to where the order is shipped.
49 shipping_address_address2 No String Address second line of shipping address.
50 shipping_address_address3 No String Address third line of shipping address.
51 shipping_address_city No String City of shipping address.
52 shipping_address_zip_code Yes String Zip code of shipping address.
53 shipping_address_po_box No String P.O. Box of shipping address.
54 shipping_address_company No String Company used in shipping address.
55 shipping_address_description No String Description used with shipping address.
56 shipping_address_comment No String Comment used with shipping address.
57 shipping_address_country Yes String Country of shipping address.
58 shipping_address_region No String Region of shipping address.

Check out the order-items.csv sample file.