Klarna - Invoice Pay in 14 days

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Integrating Klarna Part Payment

The configuration to integrate Part payment using Klarna is:

SHARED_SECRET: shared token.

EID: the id of the merchant, received from Klarna.

TEST_MODE: true or false.

KLARNA_INVOICE_MAIL_TYPE: type for user notification. Possible values are:




KLARNA_PCLASS_STORE_TYPE: pClasses storage type. Could be json, xml, sql. Default type is json.

KLARNA_PCLASS_STORE_URI: URI for pClasses storage. Default APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/DE/pclasses.json’.

KLARNA_CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION_URI: checkout confirmation URI, default value $domain . '/checkout/klarna/success’.

KLARNA_CHECKOUT_TERMS_URI: checkout terms URI, default value $domain.

KLARNA_CHECKOUT_PUSH_URI: checkout push URI, default value $domain . '/checkout/klarna/push'.

KLARNA_CHECKOUT_URI: checkout URI, default value $domain.

KLARNA_PDF_URL_PATTERN: pdf URL pattern, default value https://online.testdrive.klarna.com/invoices/%s.pdf.

You can copy over configuration to your config from the Klarna modules config.dist.php file.

Perform Requests

In order to perform the needed requests, you can easily use the implemented Klarna State Machine Commands and Conditions. The next section gives a summary of them.