Marketplace Product Approval Process feature overview

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The marketplace operator is primarily responsible for ensuring the quality of data in the marketplace, including merchants, products, and offers. To control those things in the marketplace, the approval mechanism is a key feature.

The Marketplace Product Approval Process allows marketplace owners to verify the products of merchants before showing them to customers.


The Storefront displays only the products that are approved, active, lie within the validity period, and exist for the defined store.

Product lifecycle


The following workflow is valid only in case the Marketplace Product Approval Process feature is enabled.

A product can have one of the following statuses:

Draft When the product is created, it obtains the draft status.
Waiting for approval When the product is sent for approval by a merchant in the Merchant Portal, the status changes to waiting for approval.
Approved The marketplace administrator can approve the product in the Back Office and in this case the status of the product changes to the approved one in the Merchant Portal. The marketplace administrator can cancel the approval procedure and return the product into the draft status.
Denied When the marketplace administrator rejects the product in the Back Office, the product gets denied status in the Merchant Portal. The marketplace administrator can cancel the approval procedure and return the product into the draft status.

You can configure the logic of the statuses on the project level.

Marketplace Product Approval process workflow

If a merchant wants their new marketplace product to be displayed in the Storefront, this product has to be approved by the marketplace administrator. The procedure goes through the following stages:

  1. Creating a marketplace product.

  2. Submitting the product for approval. The merchant user submits the request for product approval in the Merchant Portal. The status of the product changes to Waiting for approval.

  3. Product approval or rejection. The marketplace administrator can view the products and update their statuses in the Back Office. If a product is approved, the approval status changes to Approved. If the marketplace administrator rejects a product, the product gets the Denied status.

Marketplace Product Approval data import

A marketplace owner can set a default approval status for marketplace products owned by a certain merchant via the data import. See File details: merchant_product_approval_status_default.csv to learn more how to do that.

Approve and deny marketplace products Send the product for approval
Install the Marketplace Product Approval Process feature File details: merchant_product_approval_status_default.csv