Import file details: product_management_attribute.csv

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This document describes the product_management_attribute.csv file to configure product attribute information in your Spryker Demo Shop.

Import file dependencies

Import file parameters

key String Key identifier of the product attribute.
input_type String Value from a pre-defined list. Input type of the product attribute, for example, text, number, select, etc.
allow_input String yes/no field. Will be set to no if an empty value is provided. Indicates if custom values can be entered in this product attribute.
is_multiple No String yes/no field. Will be set to no if an empty value is provided. Indicates if the attribute can have multiple values.
values String Selectable values. Field values is a string defining possible attribute values, separated by commas. For example, “16 GB, 32 GB, 64 GB, 128 GB” means that attribute can accept values “16 GB”, “32 GB”, “64 GB”, “128 GB”.
key_translation.en_US String Translation attribute key to the locale US language.
key_translation.de_DE String Translation attribute key to the locale DE language.
value_translations.en_US String Translation attribute value to the locale US language.
value_translations.de_DE String Translation attribute value to the locale DE language.

Import template file and content example

product_management_attribute.csv template Exemplary import file with headers only.
product_management_attribute.csv Exemplary import file with Demo Shop data.

Import command
