Check availability of products

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To check a product’s availability in the Back Office, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Catalog > Availability.
  2. Next to the product you want to view the availability of, click View. This opens the Product Availability page.
  3. If you have multiple stores, select a STORE.
ABSTRACT PRODUCT AVAILABILITY Information about availability of an abstract product.
VARIANT AVAILABILITY Information about availability of the product’s variants.
SKU Unique identifier of a product availability is displayed for.
NAME Name of a product availability is displayed for.
AVAILABILITY Defines if customers can order a product on the Storefront.
CURRENT STOCK Number of products available for ordering.
RESERVED PRODUCTS Number of products that were ordered and are being processes. Customers cannot order reserved products.
IS BUNDLE PRODUCT Defines if the product for which availability is displayed is a product bundle.
IS NEVER OUT OF STOCK Defines if the stock of a product can run out.

Next steps

Edit stock of products and product bundles.