CMS feature overview

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The CMS feature is lets you create and manage the content of custom pages that are not part of the product catalog.

The main functionalities of the feature are the following:

  • Templates and slots
  • CMS page
  • CMS block
  • WYSIWYG editor

The WYSIWYG editor is a powerful tool that is used to create content for content items, and CMS pages and blocks. Templates and slots and CMS pages and blocks are used to manage content.

All the CMS elements are based on templates. They simplify the creation of similar content. CMS block templates in particular define what a block is used for.

CMS glossary

Page Pages defined in CMS refer to web pages that are meant to be displayed in the frontend application (Yves). A page is defined by an URL and a template.
Page URL When accessing the URL assigned to a page defined in CMS, the associated template will be loaded.
Template The CMS uses Twig templates that are placed under src/Pyz/Yves/Cms/Theme/default/template/ folder.
Placeholder Placeholders enable putting context to a template; a placeholder has a glossary key assigned, so at runtime, the placeholders are replaced by the corresponding glossary key value, considering the context.
Block Partial page that can be embedded in other web pages.
URL Redirect Technique for delivering a page under more then one URL address. When a request is made to an URL that was redirected, a page with a different URL is opened.
URL Redirect Status When an URL is being redirected, the response contains a status code that describes the reason the redirect happened. The URL redirect status code plays an important role in search engine ranking.
Templates and Slots
CMS Pages
CMS Blocks
CMS pages in search results
Email as a CMS block
Install the CMS feature CMS migration guide Retrieve CMS pages File details: cms_page.csv HowTo: Create CMS templates Enabling the category CMS blocks CMS extension points: Reference information
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Install the Content Items feature CmsGui migration guide Retrieve abstract product list content items File details: cms_block_store.csv HowTo: Create a visibility condition for CMS blocks Enabling CMS block widget
Install the CMS + Catalog feature CmsPageSearch migration guide Retrieve banner content items File details: cms_template.csv HowTo: Create a custom content item
Install the Content Items feature CmsCollector migration guide File details: cms_slot.csv Learn about the CoreMedia technology partner integration
Install the Content Items Glue API CmsBlock migration guide File details: cms_slot_template.csv
Glue API: CMS feature integration CMS Block Category Connector migration guide File details: cms_slot_block.csv
CMS Block Category Connector Migration Console migration guide File details: content_navigation.csv
CMS Block Collector migration guide File details: content_banner.csv
Upgrade the CmsBlockGui module File details: content_product_set.csv
CMSBlockStorage migration guide File details: content_product_abstract_list.csv
Upgrade the CmsBlockWidget module
ContentBannerGui migration guide
ContentBanner migration guide
ContentStorage migration guide
Content migration guide