Integrate the Vertex app

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After you have integrated the ACP connector module for tax calculation, you can integrate the Vertex app.

Spryker doesn’t have the same data model as Vertex, which is necessary for accurate tax calculations. Therefore, the integration requires project developers to add some missing information to the Quote object before sending a calculation request.

The following diagram shows the data flow of the tax calculation request from the Spryker Cart to the Vertex API.


To integrate Vertex, follow these steps.

1. Configure Vertex-specific metadata transfers

Define specific Vertex Tax metadata transfers and extend other transfers with them:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transfers xmlns="spryker:transfer-01"

    <!-- Calculable Object is extended with SaleTaxMetadata -->
    <transfer name="CalculableObject">
        <property name="taxMetadata" type="SaleTaxMetadata" strict="true"/>

    <!-- Order is extended with SaleTaxMetadata -->
    <transfer name="Order">
        <property name="taxMetadata" type="SaleTaxMetadata" strict="true"/>

    <!-- Expense is extended with ItemTaxMetadata -->
    <transfer name="Expense">
        <property name="taxMetadata" type="ItemTaxMetadata" strict="true"/>

    <!-- Item is extended with ItemTaxMetadata -->
    <transfer name="Item">
        <property name="taxMetadata" type="ItemTaxMetadata" strict="true"/>

    <!-- Product Option is extended with ItemTaxMetadata -->
    <transfer name="ProductOption">
        <property name="taxMetadata" type="ItemTaxMetadata" strict="true"/>

    <!-- Sales Tax Metadata. It contains Vertex tax metadata which is related to Order or Quote in general. -->
    <transfer name="SaleTaxMetadata" strict="true">
        <property name="seller" type="array" associative="true" singular="_"/>
        <property name="customer" type="array" associative="true" singular="_"/>

    <!-- Items Tax Metadata. It contains Vertex tax metadata which is related to Item.-->
    <transfer name="ItemTaxMetadata" strict="true">
        <property name="product" type="array" associative="true" singular="_"/>
        <property name="flexibleFields" type="array" associative="true" singular="_"/>


SaleTaxMetadata and ItemTaxMetadata are designed to be equal to the Vertex Tax Calculation API request body. You can extend them as you need, following to the Vertex API structure.

  • SaleTaxMetadata equals the Invoicing/Quotation request payload, excluding LineItems.

  • ItemTaxMetadata equals the Line Item API payload.

2. Implement Vertex-specific metadata extender plugins

There are several types of expander plugins you have to introduce. As a starting point, you can take examples provided by Spryker in the tax-app-vertex module. The plugins in this module are for development purposes. The data in the TaxMetaData fields has to be collected from the project database or other sources such as external ERP.

Configure the Customer Class Code Expander plugins

The following code sample shows how to introduce the following expander plugin:



namespace Pyz\Zed\{YourDesiredModule}\Communication\Plugin\Order;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\OrderTransfer;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\TaxAppExtension\Dependency\Plugin\OrderTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface;

class OrderCustomerWithVertexCodeExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements OrderTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\OrderTransfer $orderTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\OrderTransfer
    public function expand(OrderTransfer $orderTransfer): OrderTransfer
        $orderTransfer->getTaxMetadata()->setCustomer(['customerCode' => ['classCode' => 'vertex-customer-code']]);

        return $orderTransfer;

The following code sample shows how to introduce the following expander plugin:



namespace Spryker\Zed\{YourDesiredModule}\Communication\Plugin\Quote;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\TaxAppExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface;

class CalculableObjectCustomerWithVertexCodeExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer
    public function expand(CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer): CalculableObjectTransfer
        $calculableObjectTransfer->getTaxMetadata()->setCustomer(['customerCode' => ['classCode' => 'vertex-customer-code']]);

        return $calculableObjectTransfer;

Configure the Customer Exemption Certificate Expander plugins

  • Configure the Customer Exemption Certificate Expander plugin for order:


  • Configure the Customer Exemption Certificate Expander plugin for quote:


The following code sample shows how to implement the previously mentioned plugins:

// ...
class OrderCustomerWithVertexExemptionCertificateExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer
    public function expand(CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer): CalculableObjectTransfer
        $calculableObjectTransfer->getTaxMetadata()->setCustomer(['exemptionCertificate' => ['exemptionCertificateNumber' => 'vertex-exemption-certificate-number']]);

        return $calculableObjectTransfer;

Configure the Product Class Code Expander plugins

Configure the Product Class Code Expander plugin for order items:


Configure the Product Class Code Expander plugin for quote items:


The contents of both plugins are similar:

// ...
class ItemWithVertexClassCodeExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\CalculableObjectTransfer
    public function expand(CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer): CalculableObjectTransfer
        foreach ($calculableObjectTransfer->getItems() as $itemTransfer) {
            $itemTransfer->getTaxMetadata()->setProduct(['productClass' => 'vertex-product-class-code']);

        return $calculableObjectTransfer;
Use the same Product Class Code

You must use the same Product Class Code extension for all product options and other order expenses. From Vertex’s perspective, it considers each of them as a separate item for tax calculation. For guidance on where to place them, refer to the definition of transfers in Configure Vertex-specific Metadata Transfers.

Configure the flexible fields extension

Configure the flexible files extension as in the following example:

class ItemWithFlexibleFieldsExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface
    // ...

     * @param \CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer
     * @return \CalculableObjectTransfer
    public function expand(CalculableObjectTransfer $calculableObjectTransfer): CalculableObjectTransfer
        foreach ($calculableObjectTransfer->getItems() as $itemTransfer) {
                        'flexibleCodeFields' => [
                                'fieldId' => 1,
                                'value' => 'vertex-flexible-code-value',

        return $calculableObjectTransfer;

3. Configure the Tax App dependency provider

After the Tax App dependency provider configuration, the plugin stack should look similar to this one:

namespace Pyz\Zed\TaxApp;

// The following plugins are for Marketplace only.
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProfile\Communication\Plugin\TaxApp\MerchantProfileAddressCalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\MerchantProfile\Communication\Plugin\TaxApp\MerchantProfileAddressOrderTaxAppExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferAvailability\Communication\Plugin\TaxApp\ProductOfferAvailabilityCalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPlugin;
use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferAvailability\Communication\Plugin\TaxApp\ProductOfferAvailabilityOrderTaxAppExpanderPlugin;

class TaxAppDependencyProvider extends SprykerTaxAppDependencyProvider
     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\TaxAppExtension\Dependency\Plugin\CalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface>
    protected function getCalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPlugins(): array
        return [       
            # This plugin stack is responsible for expansion of CalculableObjectTransfer based on present fields. Add your custom implemented expander plugins here following the example in `spryker/tax-app-vertex` module.

            // The following plugins are for Marketplace only.
            # This plugin is expanding CalculableObjectTransfer object with merchant address information.
            new MerchantProfileAddressCalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPlugin(),
            # This plugin is expanding CalculableObjectTransfer object with product offer availability information.
            new ProductOfferAvailabilityCalculableObjectTaxAppExpanderPlugin(),

     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\TaxAppExtension\Dependency\Plugin\OrderTaxAppExpanderPluginInterface>
    protected function getOrderTaxAppExpanderPlugins(): array
        return [
            # This plugin stack is responsible for expansion of OrderTransfer based on present fields. Add your custom implemented expander plugins here following the example in `spryker/tax-app-vertex` module.

            // The following plugins are for Marketplace only.
            # This plugin is expanding OrderTransfer object with merchant address information.
            new MerchantProfileAddressOrderTaxAppExpanderPlugin(),
            # This plugin is expanding OrderTransfer object with product offer availability information.
            new ProductOfferAvailabilityOrderTaxAppExpanderPlugin(),

4. Configure Product Offer Stock dependency provider (Marketplace only)

After you have configured the Product Offer Stock dependency provider for Marketplace, the plugin stack should look similar to this one:

namespace Pyz\Zed\ProductOfferStock;

use Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferStock\ProductOfferStockDependencyProvider as SprykerProductOfferStockDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\StockAddress\Communication\Plugin\Stock\StockAddressStockTransferProductOfferStockExpanderPlugin;

class ProductOfferStockDependencyProvider extends SprykerProductOfferStockDependencyProvider
     * @return array<\Spryker\Zed\ProductOfferStockExtension\Dependency\Plugin\StockTransferProductOfferStockExpanderPluginInterface>
    protected function getStockTransferExpanderPluginCollection(): array
        return [
            # This plugin is providing warehouse address to StockTransfer objects which is used during tax calculation.
            new StockAddressStockTransferProductOfferStockExpanderPlugin(),

5. Add translations

Append glossary according to your configuration:

src/data/import/glossary.csv,an der Kasse berechnet,de_DE,calculated at checkout,en_US

To import data, run the following command:

console data:import glossary

Reference: Quote/Order object to Vertex API mapping

While developing custom plugins for deeper integration with your projects, you may need to know how Spryker data is mapped to Vertex API requests.

The following table reflects the mapping of the Spryker Quote/Order transfer object to the Vertex API request format.

QuoteTransfer/OrderTransfer object properties Vertex API field Comment
Current date (Y-m-d) documentDate
QuoteTransfer.uuid / OrderTransfer.orderReference / new Uuid4 (if quote.uuid is not present) documentNumber
QuoteTransfer.uuid / OrderTransfer.orderReference / new Uuid4 (if quote.uuid is not present) transactionId
- transactionType Always SALE.
- saleMessageType Depends on the type of operation, INVOICE or QUOTATION.
taxMetadata Mapped over the final request 1:1 Metadata is supposed to follow the structure of the Vertex API request. Required by Vertex from the legal point of view.
items[].sku lineItems[].lineItemId; lineItems[].product.value; lineItems[].vendorSku lineItems[].lineItemId can be changed if there are multiple items with the same SKU in the request.
items[].shipment.shippingAddress lineItems[].customer.destination
billingAddress lineItems[].customer.administrativeDestination
items[].merchantStockAddresses lineItems[].seller.physicalOrigin Multiple addresses are mapped to multiple items in the Vertex PBC and Vertex API lineItems[].
items[].merchantProfileAddress lineItems[].seller.administrativeOrigin
items[].unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation lineItems[].discount.discountValue Prices are converted from the Spryker’s cent-based format to the Vertex decimal format.
- lineItems[].discount.discountType Always DiscountAmount. Spryker stores discount based on amount, so there is no need for percentage-based discounts.
items[].unitPrice (either GROSS or NET depending on the currently selected mode) lineItems[].unitPrice Prices are converted from Spryker’s cent-based format to Vertex decimal format.
items[].merchantStockAddresses.quantityToShip lineItems[].quantity.value If quantityToShip is less than quantity requested in cart - in this case this item will be mapped to multiple items in the Vertex API.
- lineItems[].quantity.unitOfMeasure Always EA (“each”). Other units of measure are not supported yet.
items[].taxMetadata Mapped over specific lineItem 1:1 Metadata is supposed to follow the structure of the Vertex API request. For lineItems it’s mapped over each corresponding item based on lineItemId.
items[] lineItems[] Required by Vertex from the legal point of view.
expenses (only for expenses with type SHIPMENT_EXPENSE_TYPE) lineItems Shipments are treated just like products in Vertex - it’s all a line item.
expenses.hash lineItems[].lineItemId
expenses.shipment.shipmentAddress lineItems[].customer.destination
billingAddress lineItems[].customer.administrativeDestination
expenses.sumPrice (either GROSS or NET depending on currently selected mode) lineItems[].extendedPrice
expenses.sumDiscountAmountAggregation lineItems[].discount.discountValue Prices are converted from the Spryker’s cent-based format to the Vertex decimal format.
- lineItems[].discount.discountType Always DiscountAmount. Spryker stores discount based on amount, so there is no need to use percentage-based discounts.
Location mapping
Spryker Vertex Comment
address1 streetAddress1
address2 streetAddress2 Should be either not empty or null
city city
state mainDivision Should be either not empty or null
zipCode postalCode
country.iso2Code country

Next step

Connect Vertex