Tax Management

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The default Spryker Tax Management capability lets you manage taxes per store, product, and country.

The capability consists of a base shop and the marketplace addon. The base shop features are needed for running a regular shop in which your company is the only entity fulfilling orders. To run a marketplace, the features from both the base shop and the marketplace addon are required.

We recommend using the Spryker OOTB Tax Capability if the following applies:

  • You are operating in regions such as the European Union where tax rates aren’t as complex as compared to other regions such as North America.
  • You want to import or manually create tax rates in Spryker.
  • You have both NET prices and GROSS prices and don’t need an external system to determine taxes.
  • You want to manually manage changes in Tax Rates.
  • You do not want to send or record invoices in an external tax system.

However, if you need a solution that would automatically calculate taxes in near real-time, taking into account country-specific tax rates, laws, rules, etc., we recommend using the Vertex app or Avalara instead of the default Spryker Tax Management capability.