Customer Login by Token: reference information
Edit on GitHubA token is a unique identifier that contains all the information needed for authentication to fetch a specific resource without using a username and password. The tokens are JSON strings that are encoded in base64url format.
The lifetime of the token is 8 hours by default, but this value can be changed at the project level.
Token structure
Every token consists of three sections separated by periods.
- The header contains the information about the token type (JWT) and the encryption algorithm (RS256). For example:
"typ": "JWT",
"alg": "RS256",
"jti": "9ced66ac5cefe17681576bf95b800078e3020142faaa524da871ffb2a63508952045e10453136bde"
Once the header is encoded, we get the part of the token:
- The payload stores multiple claims (statements) about the user’s identity and additional data—for example, permissions. Here, you can find the needed information for transmission. The
identifiers are included by default. However, you can extend the payload with any data according to your project requirements.
Example payload:
"aud": "frontend",
"jti": "9ced66ac5cefe17681576bf95b800078e3020142faaa524da871ffb2a63508952045e10453136bde",
"iat": 1557926620,
"nbf": 1557926620,
"exp": 1557955420,
"sub": " {/"customer_reference/":null,/"id_customer/":6,/"id_company_user/":/"1/",/"permissions/":null}",
"scopes": []
The example above contains six registered claims that, when encoded, correspond to the following:
- The signature contains the hash of the header, payload, and secret needed.
The following is an example signature:
base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
The final part of the encoded token looks like this:
Combining the three parts, an example URL with the full token looks like the following:
In the Spryker Commerce OS, token generation is performed using a facade method, which is why no GUI is present. To generate a token, see HowTo: Generate a token for login.
To make the feature more flexible, we have implemented the functionality that lets you disable switching between the Business-on Behalf accounts. For example, if the user logs in to the pre-defined company account that has Business-on-Behalf feature integrated, the shop owner can disable the ability to switch between the accounts. In case the Business-on-Behalf is disabled, the company user logs in to the default account and can’t switch between the company users within their company account.
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