Integrating Payolution

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There is currently an issue when using giftcards with Payolution. Our team is developing a fix for it.


Before proceeding with the integration, make sure you have installed and configured the Payolution module.

Frontend Integration

To show Payolution on Frontend, extend the payment view:


{% extends template('page-layout-checkout', 'CheckoutPage') %}

{% define data = {
   backUrl: _view.previousStepUrl,
   forms: {
       payment: _view.paymentForm
   title: 'checkout.step.payment.title' | trans,
   customForms: {}
} %}

{% block content %}
   {% embed molecule('form') with {
       class: 'box',
       data: {
           form: data.forms.payment,
           options: {
               attr: {
                   id: 'payment-form'
           submit: {
               enable: true,
               text: 'checkout.step.summary' | trans
           cancel: {
               enable: true,
               url: data.backUrl,
               text: 'general.back.button' | trans
           customForms: data.customForms
   } only %}
       {% block fieldset %}
           {% for name, choices in data.form.paymentSelection.vars.choices %}
               {% set paymentProviderIndex = loop.index0 %}
               <h5>{{ ('checkout.payment.provider.' ~ name) | trans }}</h5>
                   {% for key, choice in choices %}
                       <li class="list__item spacing-y clear">
                           {% embed molecule('form') with {
                               data: {
                                   form: data.form[data.form.paymentSelection[key].vars.value],
                                   enableStart: false,
                                   enableEnd: false,
                                   customForms: data.customForms
                               embed: {
                                   index: loop.index ~ '-' ~ paymentProviderIndex,
                                   toggler: data.form.paymentSelection[key]
                           } only %}
                               {% block fieldset %}
                                   {{ form_row(embed.toggler, {
                                       required: false,
                                       component: molecule('toggler-radio'),
                                       attributes: {
                                           'target-class-name': 'js-payment-method-' ~ embed.index,
                                   }) }}
                                   {% set templateName = data.form.vars.template_path | replace('/', '-') %}
                                   {% set viewName = data.form.vars.template_path | split('/') %}

                                   <div class="col col--sm-12 is-hidden js-payment-method-{{embed.index}}">
                                       <div class="col col--sm-12 col--md-6">
                                           {% if 'Payolution' in data.form.vars.template_path %}
                                               {% include view(viewName[1], viewName[0]) with {
                                                   form: data.form.parent
                                               } only %}
                                           {% else %}
                                               {{ parent() }}
                                           {% endif %}
                               {% endblock %}
                           {% endembed %}
                   {% endfor %}
           {% endfor %}
       {% endblock %}
   {% endembed %}
{% endblock %}