Marketplace Wishlist feature: Domain model and relationships

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With the Marketplace Wishlist feature, the customers can track and save merchant offers and products they wish to purchase through the wishlist. The customers can create multiple wishlists and customize their names.

Module dependency graph

The following diagram illustrates the dependencies between the modules for the Marketplace Wishlist feature.

Entity diagram

MerchantProductWishlist Provides ability to work with merchant product in the wishlist.
MerchantProductOfferWishlist Provides ability to work with the product offers in the wishlist.
MerchantProductOfferWishlistRestApi Provides ability to manage product offers for wishlist Rest API.
Wishlist Provides infrastructure and functionality to handle multiple wishlists for customer account.
WishlistExtension Provides plugin interfaces for extending Wishlist module functionality.

Domain model

The following diagram illustrates the domain model of the Marketplace Wishlist feature:

Entity diagram