Edit navigation elements

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To edit a navigation element in the Back Office, follow the steps:

  1. Go to Content > Navigation. This opens the Overview of Navigation Elements page.
  2. In the List of navigation elements pane, click Edit next to the navigation element you want to edit.
  3. On the Edit Navigation Element: [Element Number] page, enter a NAME.
  4. Select or clear the ACTIVE checkbox to activate or deactivate the navigation element.
  5. Click Save. This opens the Overview of Navigation Elements page. You can see the message about the successful navigation element update. The changes are reflected in the List of navigation elements pane.

Reference information: Edit navigation elements

NAME Name of the navigation element. It is displayed on the Storefront.
KEY Unique identifier of the navigation element used to reference it on the Storefront.
ACTIVE Checkbox to define if the navigation element is active. Inactive navigation elements and their child nodes are not displayed on Storefront.