Frontend builder for Yves

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This article provides information about how to prepare assets, like CSS, js or images, for different namespaces and their themes.


The builder has several modes to build frontend:

  • npm run yves—builds assets in the development mode with all the namespaces and themes.
  • npm run yves:watch—builds assets in the watch mode. It will be watching for CSS and JS files and rebuilding the assets immediately after all the namespaces and themes are changed.
  • npm run yves:production—builds assets in the production mode (minified files, remove comments, etc.) for all namespaces and themes.
  • npm run yves:help—displays all available parameters for building.


  • -n <namespace name> or --namespace <namespace name>—generates the assets for all themes of this <namespace name>. To generate several namespaces, use this parameter several times. For example, npm run yves – -n DE -n US.
  • -t <theme name> or --theme <theme name>—generates assets for all the namespaces which contain <theme name>. To generate several themes, use this parameter several times. For example, npm run yves – -t default -t red-theme
  • -c <path> or --config <path>—ability to define the path to the config JSON file that overwrites the default config JSON file.
  • -i or --info—displays a list of namespaces with all the available themes.


To enable the multi-theme in Yves, add the\SprykerShop\Shared\ShopUi\ShopUiConstants::YVES_ASSETS_URL_PATTERN configuration.

It supports using the %theme% key that will be replaced with the current theme for the Twig module configuration.

Example: $config[\SprykerShop\Shared\ShopUi\ShopUiConstants::YVES_ASSETS_URL_PATTERN] = sprintf('/assets/%s/%s/', $CURRENT_STORE, '%theme%');

Config for the frontend builder is placed at /config/Yves/frontend-build-config.json, but you can change this path using the command with -c or –config parameter, for example:

npm run yves – -c /path/to/config.json

The config file should contain the following data:


    "path": "assets/%namespace%/%theme%/", // pattern of the path to the public assets

    "namespaces": [ // the array of the namespaces


            "moduleSuffix": "DE", // a special suffix for the module which will be rendered for the current namespace

            "namespace": "DE", // the name of namespace

            "themes": ["red-theme", "new-year-theme"], // an array of the themes which will be rendered for this namespace, if the additional themes aren't needed - should leave an empty array

            "defaultTheme": "default" // the reqired default theme




Twig templates

To specify the theme in a multi-theme environment for twig templates, use TwigConfig. You can overwrite getYvesThemeName as follows:


namespace Pyz\Shared\TwigDE;

use Spryker\Shared\Twig\TwigConfig as SprykerTwigConfig;

class TwigConfig extends SprykerTwigConfig
     * @return string
    public function getYvesThemeName(): string
        return 'new-de-theme';

Public assets

All public assets are generated into /public/Yves/ plus the path defined in the config file, which is assets/%namespace%/%theme%/ by default.

For example, for the DE namespace and default theme, it’s/public/Yves/assets/DE/default/.

All incoming files (images, fonts, etc.) are copied from global (for every namespace) and DE folders:

  • frontend/assets/global/default
  • frontend/assets/DE/default

If the assets were generated earlier for this namespace and theme, these assets will be substituted by the newest ones. If namespace or theme were removed from the config file, assets for this namespace or theme won’t be removed, and you should remove it manually, if necessary.

How frontend builder collects SCSS and JS files


The builder is looking for entry points for components on several levels (from smaller to higher priority):

  • Core (/vendor/spryker-shop)
  • Eco (/vendor/spryker-eco)
  • Project (/src/Pyz/Yves)

Also, modules with a specific suffix namespace have higher priority over the module without it, for instance:

/src/Pyz/Yves/**/ShopUiDE/** has higher priority than /src/Pyz/Yves**/ShopUi/** and even /vendor/spryker-shop/**/ShopUiDE/** has higher priority than /src/Pyz/Yves**/ShopUi/**.


Besides components, the part of the webpack build is vendor.ts and app.ts files.

vendor.ts (/src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/vendor.ts) is used to import global external libraries app.ts (/src/Pyz/Yves/ShopUi/Theme/default/app.ts) that invoke bootstrap function initializing the Spryker Shop frontend application.


You can overwrite these files in your own namespace and/or theme.


All components in the Core level provide global mixin for every level, so you can include them into Eco and Project levels.

Besides the components, you can find SCSS files with global classes, mixins, variables like basic.scss, util.scss, shared.scss. The order of including these files you can find here /frontend/configs/development.js.