Running tests with the Docker SDK

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This document describes how to run tests in different ways.

What is a testing mode?

The Docker SDK lets you run applications in an environment configured for running tests.

In the testing mode, you can run tests in isolation, with full control of the system tested and all needed tooling in place. Once you activate the testing mode, the following happens:

  1. The scheduler is enabled. Background jobs are stopped for preserving data consistency and full isolation.
  2. The webdriver is enabled.

Activating the testing mode and running tests

You can activate the testing mode in one of the following ways:

  • Switch a running environment into the testing mode without rebuilding containers.
  • Rebuild containers and run or restart an environment with the testing mode activated.

Activating the testing mode in a running environment

  1. Activate the testing mode in a running environment and enter the CLI container:
docker/sdk testing
  1. In the CLI container, run Codeception:
codecept build
codecept fixtures
codecept run

Same as other CLI commands, you can run the preceding commands as a single command: docker/sdk testing codecept run.

Running or restarting an environment in the testing mode

  1. Restart all containers in the testing mode:
docker/sdk up -t
  1. Switch to the CLI container:
docker/sdk cli -t
  1. Run Codeception:
codecept run

Running a specific category of tests

There are three categories of Spryker tests:

  • Acceptance
  • Functional
  • Api

To run a specific category, run codecept with the respective configuration file:

codecept run -c codeception.{acceptance|functional|api}.yml

Running a group of tests

To run one or more groups of tests, run codecept run -g {Tax} -g {Customer}.

Excluding a group of tests

To exclude one or more groups of tests, run codecept run -x {Tax} -x {Customer}.

Configuring a webdriver

To choose a webdriver, update deploy.*.yml.

Chromedriver is the default webdriver shipped with Docker SDK.

The Chromedriver configuration looks as follows in the deploy file:

        engine: chromedriver

See webdriver: to learn more about webdriver configuration in the deploy file.

Configure Codeception

To configure Codeception:

  1. Prepare required environment variables:
SPRYKER_TEST_BROWSER_BIN: '/usr/local/bin/chrome'
SPRYKER_TEST_WEB_DRIVER_BIN: 'vendor/bin/chromedriver'
  1. Configure codeception.*.yml:
        - \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\WebDriverHelper
        - \SprykerTest\Shared\Testify\Helper\SuiteFilterHelper
            suites: ['Presentation']
            path: "%SPRYKER_TEST_WEB_DRIVER_BIN%"
            whitelisted-ips: ''
            webdriver-port: "%SPRYKER_TEST_WEB_DRIVER_PORT%"
            url-base: "/wd/hub"
            remote-enable: "%SPRYKER_TESTING_ENABLED%"
            host: "%SPRYKER_TEST_WEB_DRIVER_HOST%"
            browser: "%SPRYKER_TEST_IN_BROWSER%"
                    args: ["--headless", "--no-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage"]
                    binary: "%SPRYKER_TEST_BROWSER_BIN%"
                - Presentation

    - tests/default.yml
    - env

Stopping the testing mode

Once you’ve finished running tests, you can switch back to the development mode:

docker/sdk start

This stops or removes the webdriver, runs the scheduler, and deactivates the testing mode.