Implementing Twig extensions

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This document shows how to implement a Twig extension. As an example, let’s build a filter which can be used for displaying prices.

To implement a Twig extension, take the following steps.

1. Implement the filter

To implement the filter, add the logic to a dedicated class in the module you’re currently working on:

namespace Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\Plugin\Twig\Filters;

class PriceFilter
    const DECIMALS = 2;

    const DIVIDER = 100;

     * @return string
    protected function getCurrency(): string
        // here can be more logic to get the used currency
        return '&euro;';

     * @return string
    public function getConvertedPrice($price): string
        // here could be more logic to convert the price if it needs to be displayed in a different currency
        return sprintf(
            '%s %s',
            number_format($price / static::DIVIDER, static::DECIMALS),
namespace Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle;

use Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\Plugin\Twig\Filters\PriceFilter;
use Spryker\Service\Kernel\AbstractServiceFactory;

class ServiceFactory extends AbstractServiceFactory
     * @return \Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\Plugin\Twig\Filters\PriceFilter
    public function createPriceFilter(): PriceFilter
        return new PriceFilter();

namespace Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle;

class PriceFilterService extends AbstractService implements PriceFilterServiceInterface
     * @param int $price
     * @return string
    public function getConvertedPrice(int $price): string
        return $this->getFactory()->createPriceFilter()->getConvertedPrice($price);


2. Add the Twig extension

Add the Twig extension by creating a class that extends the AbstractTwigExtensionPlugin class and calls the logic implemented in the preceding class.

namespace Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\Plugin\Twig;

use Spryker\Service\Twig\Plugin\AbstractTwigExtensionPlugin;
use Spryker\Shared\Twig\TwigFilter;

 * @method \Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\PriceFilterService getService()
class ExampleTwigExtensionPlugin extends AbstractTwigExtensionPlugin

     * @return array
    public function getFilters(): array
        return [
            new TwigFilter(
                function ($price) {
                    return $this->getService()->getConvertedPrice($price);
                ['is_safe' => ['html']]

3. Register the Twig extension you created

To be able to use the extension from the Twig templates, the extension must be registered in the getTwigExtensions() method from the TwigDependencyProvider class. See Defining the module dependencies: Dependency Provider for information on the dependency providers.

Add a reference to the Twig extension in TwigDependencyProvider.php:

use Pyz\Service\ExampleBundle\Plugin\Twig\ExampleTwigExtensionPlugin;

// Instantiate the new Twig extension
protected function getTwigPlugins(Application $app): array
    return [
        new ExampleTwigExtensionPlugin(),

4. Test the Twig extension

Now, the Twig extension is ready to be used in the Twig templates.

{# outputs TEST STRING #}

{{ 100|myFilter }}

An input of 100 will be output as 1.00 &euro.