Code contribution guide

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We welcome all varieties of contributions, from issues to pull requests (PRs). Because PRs reflect the changes and the context, we verify and ship these faster. Therefore, pull requests are the preferred method of contribution.


Spryker uses our proprietary licenses and common open-source licenses. In general, you can contribute to our public repositories in these organizations:


  • You must have a GitHub account.
  • You must agree to the Spryker Contribution Terms located in each repository.

How to contribute?

  1. Identify the module you would like to contribute to:

    • In the vendor/ directory there is the organization and the module name. For example, spryker/acl.
    • Find this module on Spryker’s GitHub
  2. Review and agree to the contribution terms. In case you cannot find them, contact us.

  3. Fork the relevant repository as detailed here.

  4. Apply your code changes. Make sure the commit description clearly reflects the changes.

  5. Validate your code changes in at least one Demo Shop that is relevant to your contribution:

  6. Make sure that the automated tests and code quality tools active in the Demo Shop pass on your code.

  7. Create a PR as detailed here. Make sure the PR name and description clearly reflect the context and the changes.

For example, here is a result of this flow:

If we can’t merge a PR due to our release process, we manually introduce the change. Once the change is released, we inform you by closing the PR.

Pull request processing time

Spryker endeavors to acknowledge all pull requests within two weeks. If an important change is submitted, we usually process it within a day.

If you create a pull request and feel that the issue is important, contact support to speed up the process.