Upgrade to PHP 8.1

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As of September 2024, we no longer provide support for PHP 8.1 modules. To ensure continued compatibility, security, and access to new features, we highly recommend upgrading to PHP 8.3.

PHP 8.1 is the minimum supported version for Demo Shops.

To upgrade PHP to 8.1, follow the steps:

  1. Update your modules manually in composer.json. Use the major lock ^ or the minor lock ~ if you have changes on the project level for respective module constraints.
spryker/cms-block-gui => 2.8.0
codeception/codeception => 4.1.24
codeception/lib-innerbrowser => 1.3.4
codeception/module-phpbrowser => 1.0.2
psalm/phar => 4.3.1
roave/better-reflection => 5.0.0
spryker-sdk/benchmark => 0.2.2
spryker-sdk/spryk => 0.3.4
spryker-sdk/spryk-gui => 0.2.2
  1. Change the PHP version in composer.json:

config.platform.php => 8.1.0

  1. Make sure there are no project-specific changes in the following repositories, and remove them from your composer.json:
"repositories": [
    "type": "vcs",
    "url": "https://github.com/spryker-sdk/lib-innerbrowser.git"
Project-specific changes

If you have project-specific changes in these repositories, consider either giving up the changes or copying them into the project code.

  1. Execute the following command:
composer update roave/better-reflection spryker-sdk/spryk
spryker-sdk/spryk-gui spryker/cms-block-gui spryker-sdk/benchmark
codeception/lib-innerbrowser codeception/module-phpbrowser psalm/phar
spryker-sdk/benchmark phpbench/phpbench jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs psalm/phar
  1. Run your end-to-end tests and make sure that the changes have not impacted your business functionalities.