Container set function

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The Container set function check checks how plugins are registered in the dependency provider on the project level.

Problem description

In the dependency provider, you can add plugins to \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container by using the set method. To keep the plugins simple, do not return arrays of plugins inside the callback function. When you need to register a list of plugins, create a dedicated method, return an array of plugins, and call this method inside the callable function.

Example of an evaluator error message


Message: The callback function inside `container->set()` should not return an array directly but instead call another method. Please review your code and make the necessary changes.
Target:  {PATH_TO_PROJECT}/Pyz/Zed/Checkout/CheckoutDependencyProvider.php:{LINE_NUMBER}

Example of code that causes an evaluator error

The method addProductSalePageWidgetPlugins in ExampleDependencyProvider contains a callable function that returns an array of plugins.

namespace Pyz\Zed\ContainerSetFunctionChecker;

use Spryker\Zed\WebProfiler\Communication\Plugin\Form\WebProfilerFormPlugin;

class ExampleDependencyProvider
     * @param \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container
    protected function addProductSalePageWidgetPlugins($container): Container
        $container->set(static::PYZ_PLUGIN_PRODUCT_SALE_PAGE_WIDGETS, function () {
            return [
                new WebProfilerFormPlugin(),

        return $container;


Resolve the error

  1. Create a dedicated method for registering plugins.
  2. Call the method in the callback function.
namespace Pyz\Zed\ContainerSetFunctionChecker;

use Spryker\Zed\WebProfiler\Communication\Plugin\Form\WebProfilerFormPlugin;

class ExampleDependencyProvider
     * @param \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Container
    protected function addProductSalePageWidgetPlugins($container): Container
        $container->set(static::PYZ_PLUGIN_PRODUCT_SALE_PAGE_WIDGETS, function () {
            return $this->getProductSalePageWidgetPlugins();

        return $container;

     * @return array<string>
    protected function getProductSalePageWidgetPlugins(): array
        return [
            new WebProfilerFormPlugin()


Run only this checker

To run only this checker, include CONTAINER_SET_FUNCTION_CHECKER into the checkers list. Example:

vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --checkers=CONTAINER_SET_FUNCTION_CHECKER