Create modules

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This tutorial shows how to create a test HelloWorld module; the module’s functionality is to display a Hello world! message to users.

When a new concept needs to be defined, you need to add a new module on the project side to encapsulate that concept. The new module needs to follow the same folder structure and conventions as the ones in Core.


To implement this functionality, you need an index view together with its matching controller and a HelloWorld dependency provider.

Create a new module

  1. Create the necessary files, following the folder structure conventions:
mkdir -p src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/Presentation/Index
touch src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/Presentation/Index/index.twig

mkdir -p src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/Communication/Controller
touch src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/Communication/Controller/IndexController.php

touch src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/HelloWorldDependencyProvider.php
  1. In the view (index.twig), add the Hello world ! message:
{% extends '@Gui/Layout/layout.twig' %}

{% block content %}
   Hello world!
{% endblock %}

IndexController is empty (its index action returns an empty array):

namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractController;
class IndexController extends AbstractController
    public function indexAction(): array
        return [];

The dependency provider inherits the AbstractBundleDependencyProvider functionality.

namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\AbstractBundleDependencyProvider;

class HelloWorldDependencyProvider extends AbstractBundleDependencyProvider


Additionally, you can use the code generator to create a module. For this, create the basic module structure:

console spryk:run AddModule

Requesting the URL shows the Hello World example.

Display a random salutation message

You can extend this example to display a random salutation message on the screen. For this, you need to create a class containing the logic for generating the random salutation message, name it MessageGenerator, and place it under the business layer.

To display a random salutation message, follow these steps:

  1. In MessageGenerator, implement the method that returns the message:
namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business;

class MessageGenerator
     * @return string
    public function generateHelloMessage(): string
        $helloMessages = ["Hello!","Bonjour!","Namaste!","Hallo", "Hola!", "Ciao!"];
        return $helloMessages[0];
  1. To get an instance of this class in the facade, add a business factory:

namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Business\AbstractBusinessFactory;

class HelloWorldBusinessFactory extends AbstractBusinessFactory

     * @return MessageGenerator
    public function createMessageGenerator(): MessageGenerator
        return new MessageGenerator();
  1. Create the HelloWorldFacade and the corresponding interface and call this functionality from it:
namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Business\AbstractFacade;

 * @method \Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business\HelloWorldBusinessFactory getFactory()
class HelloWorldFacade extends AbstractFacade implements HelloWorldFacadeInterface
     * @return string
    public function getSalutationMessage(): string
         return $this->getFactory()->createMessageGenerator()->generateHelloMessage();

namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business;

interface HelloWorldFacadeInterface
     * Specification:
     * - Returns a salutation text
     * @api
     * @return string
    public function getSalutationMessage(): string;
  1. Modify the controller so that it calls the just added method to your facade:
namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractController;

 * @method \Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business\HelloWorldFacade getFacade()
class IndexController extends AbstractController
     * @return array
    public function indexAction(): array
        $helloMessage = $this->getFacade()->getSalutationMessage();
        return [
            'helloMessage' => $helloMessage
  1. Modify the twig template to display the random salutation message instead of the static one we previously defined:
{% extends '@Gui/Layout/layout.twig' %}

{% block content %}
    {{ helloMessage }}
{% endblock %} displays a random salutation message.