Reactive components

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Components are organized by domains-for example, components in a product domain. They can leverage domain logic to communicate with the associated backend API. Each domain is shipped with a domain service that provides an API to communicate with a backend API. For example, when rendering product data, ProductService can be used as follows:

export class ProductPriceComponent extends LitElement {
  protected productService = resolve(ProductService);
  protected product$ = this.productService.get({ sku: '123' });

To ensure that components are reusable in different contexts, it’s recommended to not couple them directly with the qualifier that is used to load data. For example, ProductPriceComponent does not need to be aware of SKU, as SKU can be determined from the route of the product page, the product card in a list, or the cart entry. Oryx provides a mechanism to set up a so-called context. In the case of product components, the product controller is used to resolve the SKU from the context controller.

ProductController resolves the product qualifier (SKU) from the context and returns an observable from ProductService. If an SKU is provided statically to the component, ProductController also takes sku as a component property into account. This can be useful in custom development or for demonstrating the component—for example, in a Storybook.

export class ProductPriceComponent extends LitElement {
  @property() sku?: string;
  protected productController = new ProductController(this);
  protected product$ = this.productController.get();

To emit values, observables require to be subscribed to and unsubscribed when the values are no longer needed. To avoid such boilerplate code, you can use a decorator to subscribe and unsubscribe from observables. The decorator subscribes to the observable but also unsubscribes when the component is destroyed. This ensures that there’s no leaking memory in the application. In the following snippet, an observable is assigned to the local product$ field.

export class ProductPriceComponent {
  protected product$ = this.productService.get({ sku: '123' }).pipe(
    tap((product) => {
      //do stuff here

Updating data in the DOM

While the user navigates thorugh a single page application, it’s crucial for components to be updated accordingly. This section describes how data updates are propagated throughout the UI in Oryx.

RxJS operates on data streams and updates them in memory, but it doesn’t synchronize this to the UI automatically. Each JavaScript framework ships its own opinionated method to update the DOM. The selected method contributes significantly to the performance and user experience of the application.

The components provided in the Oryx libraries are built with Lit. Lit provides a highly efficient system to only synchronize the minimum required updates to the DOM. When updates are loaded asynchronously, the UI needs to be updated every time new data is emitted. To make this as transparent as possible, the @signalAware() decorator is used in the UI components, allowing for signals to be used when building UI, which automatically requests updates to the view when needed.

The following example shows the usage of the computed signal. Computed wraps an observable into a signal that automatically subscribes to the underlying observable and triggers updating the view. This means that component developers don’t need to worry about how the reactive system works under the hood.

export class ProductPriceComponent {
    protected $prices = computed(() => {
        return this.formatPrices(this.$product()?.price);

  protected override render(): TemplateResult | void {
    return html`${this.$prices().defaultPrice}`;

Multiple data streams

Components often use multiple data streams. For example, the product price component renders a product price in a certain currency and a local price format. The currency and locale are part of the application context and may change during the application’s lifecycle. The product price changes from product to product. For managing these streams, you can leverage signals, which have the ability to combine multiple observables and operate on the combined results.

RxJS operators instead of signals

If you want to manage more complex data stream operations, you can apply RxJS operators instead of signals.

In the following example, ProductPriceComponent observes the product data from ProductService and combines it with the formatted price given by PriceService.

export class ProductPriceComponent {
  protected productService = resolve(ProductService);
  protected priceService = resolve(PriceService);

  protected $product = signal(this.productService.getProduct());

  protected $prices = computed(() => this.formatPrices(this.$product()?.price));

  protected formatPrices(price?: ProductPrices): Observable<Prices> {
      return combineLatest({
          sales: this.pricingService.format(price?.defaultPrice),
          original: this.pricingService.format(price?.originalPrice),

In the preceding example, the product data is observed from ProductService by creating the $product signal. Whenever the product and its route change, new product data is emitted and formatted. PriceService formats the sales and the original prices. PriceService.format() uses the current currency and locale for the formatting, which is why it also exposes an observable. Since there are two prices involved, the two streams are combined in an object and exposed as a computed signal to the component.

Next steps

Integration of backend APIs