Spryker security checker

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Security Update Checker is a tool that checks if security fixes exist for Spryker modules that are present in your project.

Problem description

A project can sometimes use dependencies that contain known vulnerabilities. To minimize the security risk for the project, these dependencies should be updated to the version that has the vulnerability fixed.

Example of an evaluator error message


Message: Security update available for the module spryker/price-product-merchant-relationship-storage, actual version 1.14.0
Target:  spryker/price-product-merchant-relationship-storage:1.15.0

Example of code that causes an evaluator error

Your composer.lock file contains package versions that have security issues:

    "name": "spryker/price-product-merchant-relationship-storage",
    "version": "1.14.0",
    "source": {
        "type": "git",
        "url": "https://github.com/spryker/price-product-merchant-relationship-storage.git",

Resolve the error

To resolve the error, upgrade the package to a version where the vulnerability issue is fixed.

Run only this checker

To run only this checker, include SPRYKER_SECURITY_CHECKER into the checkers list. Example:

vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --checkers=SPRYKER_SECURITY_CHECKER