Create and configure Zed tables

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Spryker has a dedicated component to help you build tables for the Zed UI.

This document helps you start working with tables.

1. Create a new table

To start defining a new table, under the /Communication/Table/ folder that extends the AbstractTable class, create a new class in your module.



use Spryker\Zed\Gui\Communication\Table\AbstractTable;

class OrdersTable extends AbstractTable

The query used for fetching the data must be injected into the constructor.


The table class must implement the following methods:

  • function configure (TableConfiguration $configuration): Set up the captions for the tables header, the searchable and sortable fields, and specify the raw fields.
  • function prepareData (TableConfiguration $configuration): Prepare the data retrieved by the query in the way you want it to be shown in the table.

2. Configure the table

Set up the captions for the tables header, the searchable and sortable fields, and specify the raw fields:


function configure(TableConfiguration $configuration)

The configuration of the table must be done with the following methods:

  • Set up captions for the table headers (setHeader())
  • Set up searchable fields (setSearchable())
  • Set up sortable fields (setSortable())
  • Set up raw fields — for fields containing HTML markup that should not be escaped (addRawColumn)

Code sample:


protected function configure(TableConfiguration $config)
        SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_ID_SALES_ORDER => 'Order Id',
        SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_CREATED_AT => 'Timestamp',
        SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FK_CUSTOMER => 'Customer Id',
        SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FIRST_NAME => 'Billing Name',
        SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_GRAND_TOTAL => 'Value'


    return $config;

Configure the default field for sorting

To configure the field on which the table is sorted by default when it’s initially rendered or when no sorting is applied by the user from the UI, specify the index of the field when configuring the table:


$config->setDefaultSortField(SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_CREATED_ATб \Spryker\Zed\Gui\Communication\Table\TableConfiguration::SORT_DESC);

Configure search by columns

The default search option in Back Office data tables searches for anything that contains the specified substrings. This default search makes use of the SQL logical operator LIKE in combination with LOWER for comparison. It may result in performance issues on larger tables because of indexes not being used.

Search by columns can be used on all Back Office data tables which extend the AbstractTable class.

Searchable fields are case sensitive and use exact comparisons by concrete column.

It is possible to enable it on a per-table basis, by setting setSearchableColumns on the table configuration. The search fields appear under each column that was set as searchable. This provides flexibility to enable/disable search fields only for needed columns:


    static::COL_ID_SALES_ORDER => SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_ID_SALES_ORDER,
    static::COL_FIRST_NAME => SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FIRST_NAME,
    static::COL_EMAIL => SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_EMAIL,
    static::COL_ORDER_REFERENCE => SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_ORDER_REFERENCE,

Search by columns initiates once searchable columns are enabled and the searchable terms are passed. In case two or more searchable columns are filled the searchable condition is getting stricter with the AND operator and searching for the results via all those fields.

We recommend using search by columns for tables with large numbers of rows. Measurable performance checks show the execution time got faster. For example, getting the results using search by columns for tables with ~200k rows improved speed from 0,031s to 0,003s.

3. Prepare the data

Prepare the data retrieved by the query in the way you want it to be shown in the table:


function prepareData(TableConfiguration $configuration)

The query results must be mapped to the table columns, and data transformations such as price formatting must be done here:


protected function prepareData(TableConfiguration $config)
    $query = $this->salesQuery;
    $queryResults = $this->runQuery($query, $config);
    $results = [];
    foreach ($queryResults as $item) {
        $results[] = [
            SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_ID_SALES_ORDER => $item[SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_ID_SALES_ORDER],
            SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_CREATED_AT => $item[SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_CREATED_AT],
            SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FK_CUSTOMER => $item[SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FK_CUSTOMER],
            SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FIRST_NAME => $item[SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_FIRST_NAME],
            SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_GRAND_TOTAL => $this->formatPrice($item[SpySalesOrderTableMap::COL_GRAND_TOTAL])),
    return $results;

4. Render the table

To display the query results in the table, in the controller’s action, retrieve an instance of the table configuration class and call the render() operation:


public function indexAction(Request $request)
    $table = $this->getFactory()->createOrdersTable();
    return [
        'orders' => $table->render(),

5. Download the table

To download the data, follow these steps:

  1. Add the DownloadController class.
  2. Add a link to the DownloadController action into the table view.
  3. Prepare the download of the data.

Add DownloadController

DownloadController calls the module factory to create the table for downloading and start the download stream.


namespace Spryker\Zed\Module\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;

 * @method \Spryker\Zed\Module\Business\ModuleFacadeInterface getFacade()
 * @method \Spryker\Zed\Module\Communication\ModuleCommunicationFactory getFactory()
 * @method \Spryker\Zed\Module\Persistence\ModuleQueryContainerInterface getQueryContainer()
 * @method \Spryker\Zed\Module\Persistence\ModuleRepositoryInterface getRepository()
class DownloadController extends AbstractController
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse
    public function indexAction(): StreamedResponse
        return $this->getFactory()->createModuleTable()->streamDownload();

To start the download, add a link to the DownloadController action on the table view:


{% block action %}
    {{ createActionButton('/module/download', 'Download as CSV' | trans) }}
{% endblock %}

Prepare the download of the data

To prepare the CSV file, implement the following methods in the Table class:

  • GetCsvHeaders()
  • GetDownloadQuery()
  • FormatCsvRow()

Implement GetCsvHeaders()

The GetCsvHeaders() method defines the order and the displayed header of the columns.

Return an array that has the column name of the table as the key and the displayed header as the value. The values are translated.



 * @return string[]
protected function getCsvHeaders(): array
    return [
        static::COL_A => 'Header a',
        static::COL_B => 'Header b',
        static::COL_C => 'Header c',

Implement getDownloadQuery()

The getDownloadQuery() method returns the query that is used to fetch the data from the database. In the background, \Propel\Runtime\Formatter\OnDemandFormatter is set for performance reasons.



 * @return \Orm\Zed\Module\Persistence\SpyModuleQuery
protected function getDownloadQuery(): ModelCriteria
    $moduleQuery = $this->prepareQuery();
    $moduleQuery->orderBy(SpyModuleTableMap::COL_A, Criteria::DESC);

    return $moduleQuery;

Implement formatCsvRow()

The formatCsvRow() method receives each \Propel\Runtime\ActiveRecord\ActiveRecordInterface and is responsible for returning a formatted array of the required data.



 * @param \Orm\Zed\Module\Persistence\SpyModule $entity
 * @return array
protected function formatCsvRow(ActiveRecordInterface $entity): array
    $moduleRow = $entity->toArray();

    $moduleRow[static::COL_A] = $this->utilDateTimeService->formatDateTime($entity->getCreatedAt());
    $moduleRow[static::COL_B] = $entity->getRegistered() ? 'Verified' : 'Unverified';


    return $moduleRow;