Dependency Injection: Defining services

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This document describes the conventions we use and recommend for defining services in Oryx.

String-based token

Services are resolved using string tokens. Example:

export const CartService = 'oryx.CartService';

To minimize the risk of naming collisions with other services or libraries, we recommend using project-specific prefixes for string tokens.

Service interface

The service interface is a plain TypeScript interface that describes the public API of a service. Example:

export interface CartService {
  load(): Observable<null>;
  getCart(data?: CartQualifier): Observable<Cart | null>;

Because TypeScript interfaces are lightweight, there’s no overhead or tight coupling between the service definition (and its token) and its implementation.

Coupling token with interface

To achieve type safety and couple the string token with a specific interface, we use a technique to augment the global InjectionTokensContractMap:

declare global {
  interface InjectionTokensContractMap {
    [CartService]: CartService;

This lets resolve and inject infer the proper type when injecting a service using a string token, providing type safety for code.

Default implementation

The default implementation is usually a class that implements a service interface. Example:

export class DefaultCartService implements CartService {
  // implementation

Next step

Providing services