Create routes

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This guide describes how to create an API endpoint using a custom route.

Glue lets you create plain routes directly to a controller. This might be useful in a variety of cases—for example, building a non-resource-based API or endpoints that do not need or cannot be adapted to use resources.

Custom routes are based on a Symfony routing component; for more information on it, check out Symfony’s documentation.

Let’s say you have a Storefront module named ModuleRestApi, where you want to have a new backend API endpoint /module/bar with GET and POST methods. To create the new backend API endpoint, follow these steps:

  1. Create a ModuleBarController with the action:



namespace Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Controller;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueRequestTransfer;
use Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueResponseTransfer;
use Spryker\Glue\Kernel\Backend\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class ModuleBarController extends AbstractController
     * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueRequestTransfer $glueRequestTransfer
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueResponseTransfer
    public function getCollectionAction(GlueRequestTransfer $glueRequestTransfer): GlueResponseTransfer
        // return $this->getFactory()->createModuleBarReader()->readModuleBar();
        return (new GlueResponseTransfer())

Even though an empty response is returned, the module’s Factory is available and can be used to access Processor models or external dependencies the same way it’s done everywhere in Spryker.

Pay attention to AbstractController you use, Storefront and Backend variation exists in the Glue layer.

  1. Create ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin



namespace Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Plugin;

use Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Controller\ModuleBarController;
use Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RouteProviderPluginInterface;
use Spryker\Glue\Kernel\Backend\AbstractPlugin;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Route;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

class ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements RouteProviderPluginInterface
    public function addRoutes(RouteCollection $routeCollection): RouteCollection
        $getRoute = (new Route('/module/bar'))
                '_controller' => [ModuleBarController::class, 'getCollectionAction'],
                '_resourceName' => 'moduleBar',

        $routeCollection->add('moduleBarGetCollection', $getRoute);

        return $routeCollection;

Ensure you use AbstractPlugin specific to the storefront or backend needs.

  1. Inject ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin into GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider:


     * @return array<\Spryker\Glue\GlueApplicationExtension\Dependency\Plugin\RouteProviderPluginInterface>
    protected function getRouteProviderPlugins(): array
        return [
            new ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin(),
  1. Regenerate the Symfony router cache:
vendor/bin/glue api:router:cache:warm-up

At this point, you can test the GET endpoint at GET

The following is an example of a successfully tested cURL command:

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json'

In Development mode, you do not need to refresh a cache.

  1. Add a POST method to the same route:

    1. Add a method to a controller: \Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Controller\ModuleBarController
         * @param \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueRequestTransfer $glueRequestTransfer
         * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\GlueResponseTransfer
        public function postAction(GlueRequestTransfer $glueRequestTransfer): GlueResponseTransfer
            return new GlueResponseTransfer();
    1. Add a new route to the same route provider plugin: \Pyz\Glue\ModuleRestApi\Plugin\ModuleBarRouteProviderPlugin
            $postRoute = (new Route('/module/bar'))
                    '_controller' => [ModuleBarController::class, 'postAction'],
            $routeCollection->add('moduleBarPost', $postRoute);
    1. Reset the router cache again and test your POST request:
    curl --location --request POST '' \
    --header 'Accept: application/json' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data-raw '{
        "id": "module",
        "name": "bar"
  2. Debug existing routes.

There is a special command to debug all existing routes.

glue route:debug <applicationType> <options>

The example below shows how to debug Backend routes.

$ docker/sdk/cli
╭─/data | Store: DE | Env: | Debug: (.) | Testing: (.)
╰─$ glue route:debug Backend -c
Code bucket: DE | Store: DE | Environment:
 ------------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
  Name                Method   Scheme   Host   Path     Controller                                                                      Is Protected  
 ------------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
  tokenResourcePost   POST     ANY      ANY    /token   Spryker\Glue\OauthBackendApi\Controller\TokenResourceController::postAction()   No            
 ------------------- -------- -------- ------ -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------