Transfer data between Yves and Zed

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Yves gets most of its data from the client-side NoSQL data stores (data such as product details, product categories, and prices). There are situations when Yves needs to communicate with Zed either to submit data (for example, the customer has submitted a new order or subscribed to a newsletter) or to retrieve data (for example, order history for the customer or customer account details).

This document shows how to set up communication between Yves and Zed and display a random salutation message that is retrieved from Zed.


You need a module for which you set up communication between Yves and Zed. To add the module, see Add a new module.

To implement communication between Yves and Zed, follow the steps below.

1. Create a transfer object

Communication between Yves and Zed is done using transfer objects. So to establish communication between Yves and Zed, you need to create a transfer object as follows:

  1. Create a new transfer object and add it to the src/Pyz/Shared/HelloWorld/Transfer/ folder. In the example, it’s called the helloworld.transfer.xml transfer object, and one property is assigned to it:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<transfers xmlns="spryker:transfer-01"

    <transfer name="HelloWorldMessage">
        <property name="value" type="string" />

  1. Generate the transfer object so that it’s ready to be used:
console transfer:generate
  1. Add an operation to your HelloWorldFacade that returns a random salutation message using the transfer object you’ve just defined:
 * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\HelloWorldMessageTransfer
public function getSalutationMessage()
    return $this->getFactory()->createMessageGenerator()->generateHelloMessage();

2. Create a gateway controller

The GatewayController controller is responsible for communication with Yves. It must extend the AbstractGatewayController class. So your next step is to create the controller.

Create the GatewayController in Zed under Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Communication\Controller. Add an action to this controller that calls the functionality you have exposed through your facade:

namespace Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractGatewayController;

 * @method \Pyz\Zed\HelloWorld\Business\HelloWorldFacade getFacade()
class GatewayController extends AbstractGatewayController
     *  @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\HelloWorldMessageTransfer
    public function getSalutationMessageAction()
        return $this->getFacade()

3. Implement the stub

Move to the client part to add support for calling the added controller action and follow these steps:

  1. In src/Pyz/Client/HelloWorld/Zed, create a HelloWorldStub stub. This stub lets you submit an HTTP request to Zed.

namespace Pyz\Client\HelloWorld\Zed;

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\HelloWorldMessageTransfer;
use Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestClientInterface;

class HelloWorldStub implements HelloWorldStubInterface

     * @var \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestClientInterface
    protected $zedRequestClient;

     * @param \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestClientInterface $zedRequestClient
    public function __construct(ZedRequestClientInterface $zedRequestClient)
        $this->zedRequestClient = $zedRequestClient;

     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\HelloWorldMessageTransfer
    public function getSalutationMessage()
        return $this->zedRequestClient->call(
            new HelloWorldMessageTransfer()

Request parameter

Through the second parameter, you can pass a transfer object as a request parameter to the request client call.

  1. Add a corresponding interface for the stub (HelloWorldStubInterface). The interface should contain the getSalutationMessage() method defined.

In the example, the stub depends on ZedRequestClient that can be provided by implementing HelloWorldDependencyProvider:


namespace Pyz\Client\HelloWorld;

use Spryker\Client\Customer\CustomerDependencyProvider as SprykerCustomerDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container;

class HelloWorldDependencyProvider extends SprykerCustomerDependencyProvider


     * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
    public function provideServiceLayerDependencies(Container $container)
        $container = $this->addZedRequestClient($container);

        return $container;

     * @param \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Client\Kernel\Container
    protected function addZedRequestClient(Container $container)
        $container[self::CLIENT_ZED_REQUEST] = function (Container $container) {
            return $container->getLocator()->zedRequest()->client();

        return $container;

  1. To get an instance of HelloWorldStub, create HelloWorldFactory:

namespace Pyz\Client\HelloWorld;

use Pyz\Client\HelloWorld\Zed\HelloWorldStub;
use Spryker\Client\Kernel\AbstractFactory;

class HelloWorldFactory extends AbstractFactory

     * @return \Pyz\Client\HelloWorld\Zed\HelloWorldStubInterface
    public function createZedStub()
        return new HelloWorldStub($this->getZedRequestClient());

     * @return \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestClientInterface
    protected function getZedRequestClient()
        return $this->getProvidedDependency(HelloWorldDependencyProvider::CLIENT_ZED_REQUEST);


4. Implement the client

Now you can create the client that consumes this service.

In src/Pyz/Client/HelloWorld, create the HelloWorldClient client together with its corresponding interface.

namespace Pyz\Client\HelloWorld;

use Spryker\Client\Kernel\AbstractClient;

 * @method \Pyz\Client\HelloWorld\HelloWorldFactory getFactory()
class HelloWorldClient extends AbstractClient implements HelloWorldClientInterface
     * @return \Generated\Shared\Transfer\HelloWorldMessageTransfer
    public function getSalutationMessage()
        return $this->getFactory()

5. Create a controller and a view in Yves

Now you can move to Yves and create the controller and the Twig template that renders a random message:

  1. In src/Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Controller, create IndexController:
namespace Pyz\Yves\HelloWorld\Controller;

use Spryker\Yves\Kernel\Controller\AbstractController;

 * @method \Pyz\Client\HelloWorld\HelloWorldClientInterface getClient()
class IndexController extends AbstractController
     * @return array
    public function indexAction()

        return [
            'salutationMessage' => $this->getClient()->getSalutationMessage()

  1. In src/Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Theme/default/index, create the index.twig file:
{% extends "@application/layout/layout.twig" %}

{% block content %}
    {{ salutationMessage.value }}
{% endblock %}

6. Set up the URL routing

  1. In src/Pyz/Yves/HelloWorld/Plugin/Route, add HelloWorldRouteProviderPlugin:
namespace Pyz\Yves\HelloWorld\Plugin\Router;

use Spryker\Yves\Router\Plugin\RouteProvider\AbstractRouteProviderPlugin;
use Spryker\Yves\Router\Route\RouteCollection;

class HelloWorldRouteProviderPlugin extends AbstractRouteProviderPlugin
    protected const ROUTE_HELLO_WORD = 'hello-word';

     * @param \Spryker\Yves\Router\Route\RouteCollection $routeCollection
     * @return \Spryker\Yves\Router\Route\RouteCollection
    protected function addNewProductsRoute(RouteCollection $routeCollection): RouteCollection
        $route = $this->buildRoute('/hello', 'HelloWorld', 'index', 'indexAction');
        $routeCollection->add(static::ROUTE_HELLO_WORD, $route);

        return $routeCollection;
  1. Register your route provider plugin under RouterDependencyProvider:
protected function getRouteProvider($isSsl)
		 return [
			 new HelloWorldRouteProviderPlugin(),
  1. Clear cache for routes:
vendor/bin/console router:cache:warm-up

That’s it! now displays a random salutation message.

ZedRequest header

Since ZedRequest 3.16.0, you can alter the headers sent with each ZedRequest. You can either use the default header plugins or create your own by using the \Spryker\Client\ZedRequestExtension\Dependency\Plugin\HeaderExpanderPluginInterface.

Default header plugins

You can use the following default header plugins:

  • \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\Plugin\AcceptEncodingHeaderExpanderPlugin, adds the Accept-Encoding header to the request.
  • \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\Plugin\AuthTokenHeaderExpanderPlugin, adds the Auth-Token header to the request.
  • \Spryker\Client\ZedRequest\Plugin\RequestIdHeaderExpanderPlugin, adds the X-Request-ID header to the request.

These plugins can be added to \Pyz\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestDependencyProvider::getHeaderExpanderPlugins().

Create your own header plugin

You can create your own header expander plugin with the \Spryker\Client\ZedRequestExtension\Dependency\Plugin\HeaderExpanderPluginInterface. For example, if you need a header with the name Project-Name, you just create a plugin like this:


namespace Pyz\Client\ZedRequest\Plugin;

use Spryker\Client\Kernel\AbstractPlugin;
use Spryker\Client\ZedRequestExtension\Dependency\Plugin\HeaderExpanderPluginInterface;

class ProjectNameHeaderExpanderPlugin extends AbstractPlugin implements HeaderExpanderPluginInterface
     * @param array $headers
     * @return array
    public function expandHeader(array $headers): array
        $headers['Project-Name'] = 'My project name';

        return $headers;

After adding this plugin to \Pyz\Client\ZedRequest\ZedRequestDependencyProvider::getHeaderExpanderPlugins(), your new header is used with every ZedRequest.