Plugin registration with restrictions

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Some plugins have dependencies from other plugins and should be used only before or after another plugin. The Plugin registration with restrictions check checks that dependencies between the plugins are described according to the specification.

Problem description

If plugins must be registered in a specific order, after and before annotations need to be provided in the documentation blocks before the plugin. They must also have specific syntax.

  1. Annotation to register plugin before another one:
* Restrictions:
* - before {@link <dependency_plugin_namespace>/<dependency_plugin_name>} <optional_description>
* - before {@link <dependency_plugin2_namespace>/<dependency_plugin2_name>} <optional_description>

Below is an example of the annotation syntax needed to register a plugin before another one:

    * Restrictions:
    * - before {@link \Spryker\Client\MerchantProductStorage\Plugin\ProductOfferStorage\MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin} Call it always before MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin.
    new ProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin(),

Below is an example of the annotation syntax needed to register a plugin after another one:```

* Restrictions:
* - after {@link <dependency_plugin_namespace>/<dependency_plugin_name>} <optional_description>
* - after {@link <dependency_plugin2_namespace>/<dependency_plugin2_name>} <optional_description>

Below is an example of the annotation syntax needed to register a plugin only after another one:```

    * Restrictions:
    * - after {@link \Spryker\Client\ProductOfferStorage\Plugin\ProductOfferStorage\ProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin}
    * - after {@link \Spryker\Client\MerchantProductStorage\Plugin\ProductOfferStorage\MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin} Call it always after ProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin and MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin.
    new DefaultProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin(),

Example of an evaluator error message


Message: Restriction rule does not match the pattern "/^\* - (before|after) \{@link (?<class>.+)\}( .*\.|)$/".
Target:  CategoryDependencyProvider.php

Example of code that causes an evaluator error

namespace Pyz\Zed\Category;

use Spryker\Zed\Category\CategoryDependencyProvider as SprykerDependencyProvider;

class CategoryDependencyProvider extends SprykerDependencyProvider
    protected function getProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugins(): array
        return [
              * Restrictions:
              * - Call it always before MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin.
            new ProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin(),
            new MerchantProductProductOfferReferenceStrategyPlugin(),

Resolve the error

To solve this issue:

  1. Rewrite the plugin restrictions annotation according to required format.

Run only this checker

To run only this checker, include PLUGINS_REGISTRATION_WITH_RESTRICTIONS_CHECKER into the checkers list. Example:

vendor/bin/evaluator evaluate --checkers=PLUGINS_REGISTRATION_WITH_RESTRICTIONS_CHECKER