UI components library: Cache service

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This document explains the Cache service in the Component Library.


Cache Service is responsible for caching arbitrary operations based on the configuration. This lets backend systems use caching without changing the front-end at all (ex. http datasource).

Cache Service uses Cache Strategy to define caching algorithm (static, cache first, freshness first).

        type: 'http',
        cache: {
            type: 'static',
            namespace: 'namespace' // Optional
            storage: PersistenceStrategyType, // Optional
            // Additional Options...

Cache Storage Factory Service

The factory creates the CacheStorage instance types for a specific configuration.

As an example, to use PersistenceStrategy as a Cache Storage, factory-created storage is used. This storage is not created every time, but cached for the same configurations when called repeatedly.

The factory injects PersistenceStrategyService.

create() method gets the registered persistence strategy from PersistenceStrategyService.select() by config.type from an argument and returns an adapted CacheStorage.

createAll() method gets all the registered persistence strategies from PersistenceStrategyService.getAll() and returns an array of adapted CacheStorage instance types.


Below you can find interfaces for Cache Storage Factory Service:

interface CacheStorageFactoryService {
    create(config: CacheStrategyConfig): CacheStorage {};
    createAll(): CacheStorage[] {};

interface CacheStorage {
    has(id: CacheId, namespace?: string): Observable<boolean>;
        id: CacheId,
        namespace?: string,
    ): Observable<CacheEntry<T> | undefined>;
    set(id: CacheId, data: CacheEntry, namespace?: string): Observable<void>;
    remove(id: CacheId, namespace?: string): Observable<void>;
    clear(namespace?: string): Observable<void>;

Main Service

The Cache Service provides general capabilities for interacting with different caching strategies.

A Cache Strategy is an Angular Service that implements a specific interface (CacheStrategy) and then registers with the Cache Module via CacheModule.withStrategies().

The main service injects all registered types from the CacheStrategyTypesToken and CacheStorageFactoryService.

getCached() method finds a specific strategy from the CacheStrategyTypesToken by type (from the config.type argument) and returns that strategy as observable with arguments passed thorough method (CacheStrategy.getCached()).

clearCache() method returns an array of instances (PersistenceStrategy[]) of all the registered strategies from PersistenceStrategyTypesToken.


Below you can find interfaces for the Cache Service:

interface CacheService {
        id: CacheId,
        config: CacheStrategyConfig,
        operation: CacheOperation<T>,
    ): Observable<T> {};

    clearCache(namespace?: string): Observable<void> {};

Cache Strategy

The Cache Strategy is the algorithm for caching data.

Using the namespace (optional) option, you can separate different cache entries in Cache Storage and selectively purge them.

The Cache Strategy implements a specific interface (CacheStrategy) and is registered to the Root Module via CacheModule.withStrategies().

// Module augmentation
import { CacheStrategyConfig, CacheStrategy } from '@spryker/cache';

declare module '@spryker/cache' {
    interface CacheStrategyRegistry {
        custom: CustomCacheStrategyConfig;

interface CustomCacheStrategyConfig extends CacheStrategyConfig {
    customOption: 'customOption';

// Service implementation
    providedIn: 'root',
export class CustomCacheService implements CacheStrategy {
        id: CacheId,
        config: CustomCacheStrategyConfig,
        operation: CacheOperation<T>,
    ): Observable<T> {

    imports: [
            custom: CustomCacheService,
export class RootModule {}


Below you can find interfaces for the Cache Strategy:

interface CacheId {
    serialize(): string;

interface CacheStrategy {
        id: CacheId,
        config: CacheStrategyConfig,
        operation: CacheOperation<T>,
    ): Observable<T>;

interface CacheStrategyConfig {
    type: CacheStrategyType;
    namespace?: string;
    storage?: PersistenceStrategyType;

    // Reserved for types that may have extra configuration
    [extraConfig: string]: unknown;

Cache Strategy types

There are a few common Cache Strategies that are available in UI library as separate packages:

  • Static—adds values immediately to the cache until the expiration date and always retrieves them from cache if requested.
