Tutorial: Different stores, different logic - landing pages

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Challenge description

Spryker lets you have multi-stores and different logic for different stores in a very elegant and simple way.

Just extend the functionality for a specific store and postfix the module name with your store name.

This tutorial shows how to implement different home pages for the Back Office for different stores.

You can use the same steps for any other logic in the shop.

Extend the DE store

Override the current home page. There is a set of steps you need to follow to override the current homepage:

  1. In the Communication layer of the Application module, in Zed, in src/Pyz/Zed, add the Controller directory.
  2. Inside Controller, extend IndexController to return just a string when calling indexAction().
namespace Pyz\Zed\Application\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Application\Communication\Controller\IndexController as SprykerIndexController;

class IndexController extends SprykerIndexController
	 * @return string
	public function indexAction()
		return 'Hello DE Store!';
  1. Check the Backend Office (https://zed.mysprykershop.com/) to see the new message for the DE store.

Add the new DEMO store

Add a new store and a new home page for it.

  1. Add a new store and call it DEMO by adding a new array key to the store configuration file in config/Shared/stores.php.
$stores['DEMO'] = $stores['DE'];
  1. Create config_default_DEMO.php and config_default_development_DEMO.php. You can copy other config files.
  2. Add a new Zed module to src/Pyz/Zed and call it ApplicationDEMO. This naming is a convention in Spryker.

To extend the logic for a specific shop, the module name must be $moduleName$shopName.

  1. Inside the new module, add a Communication layer directory with a Controller directory inside.
  2. Add a new IndexController for the DEMO store.

The main difference between IndexController in step 1 and this controller is the namespace and the output.

namespace Pyz\Zed\ApplicationDEMO\Communication\Controller;

use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Controller\AbstractController;

class IndexController extends AbstractController
	 * @return string
	public function indexAction()
		return 'Hello DEMO Store!!!';
  1. The shop is ready to support both landing pages for both stores. Modify the virtual machine to redirect you to the right store. For this, change the store in the nginx config for Zed:

    1. Copy the nginx config for DE store with a new name sudo cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/DE_development_zed /etc/nginx/sites-available/DEMO_development_zed.
    2. Open the config file sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/DEMO_development_zed.
    3. Change $application_store to DEMO.
    4. Change server_name to ~^zed\\.demo\\..+\\.local$.
    5. If you use dev VM, add a new host to /etc/hosts with IP VM.
    6. Save the changes.
  2. Restart Nginx by running sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart.

  3. Create a store record in your spy_store database table:

console data:import:store

To see the new message for the DEMO store, heck the Backend Office (https://zed.mysprykershop.com/) again.