Switch Demo Shop version

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This document describes how to switch the version of a Demo Shop. You can switch to the next or the previous version. To do that, follow the steps:

  1. Stop the environment, clear cache and resources:
docker/sdk clean-data && \
rm -Rf data/cache && rm -Rf src/Orm/Zed/*/Persistence/Base/ && rm -Rf src/Orm/Zed/*/Persistence/Map/ && rm -rf vendor/
  1. Switch to the needed version of the Demo Shop, build and run the project:
git checkout {DEMOSHOP_VERSION} && \
docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml && \
docker/sdk up --build --assets --data --jobs


git checkout 202212.0 && \
docker/sdk bootstrap deploy.dev.yml && \
docker/sdk up --build --assets --data --jobs

This switches and runs the Demo Shop of version 202212.0.