Datasource Inline Table

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Datasource Inline Table is an Angular service in the components library that allows for passing the data transformed for the table format along with the configuration of the Datasource.


Service configuration:

type A datasource type.
data Datasource table data, which usually comes from the backend.
filter An array of filters that passes the data transformed for the table format.

Usage example:

        dataSource: {
            type: 'inline.table',
            data: [
                    col1: 1,
                    col2: 'col 2',
                    col1: 2,
                    col2: 'col 1',
            filter: {
                select1: {
                    type: 'equals',
                    propNames: 'col1',
        columns: [ ... ],
        filters: {
            enabled: true,
            items: [
                    id: 'select1',
                    title: 'Column 1',
                    type: 'select',
                    typeOptions: {
                        multiselect: false,
                        values: [
                            { value: 1, title: 1 },
                            { value: 2, title: 2 },

Service registration

Register the service:

declare module '@spryker/datasource' {
    interface DatasourceRegistry {
        'inline.table': TableDatasourceInlineService;

    imports: [
            'inline.table': TableDatasourceInlineService,
export class RootModule {}


Datasource Inline Table interfaces:

export interface TableDatasourceInlineConfig extends DatasourceConfig {
    data: unknown;
    filter?: {
        [filterId: string]: DataTransformerFilterConfig;
    search?: DataTransformerFilterConfig;
    transformerByPropName?: Record<string, string>;

export interface DataTransformerFilterConfig {
    type: string;
    propNames: string | string[];