Spryker SDK

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The Spryker SDK aims to provide a single entry point to accelerate your productivity while working with Spryker. The Spryker SDK provides tools to validate existing code, implement new features with Spryker, and go live with your project.


  • Make sure an auth file is available for the Composer.
  • If you’re using a MacOS computer, install Coreutils.
    brew install coreutils
  • Installed Docker and Docker Compose.

Install manually

  1. Download the latest release of installer.sh.
  2. Run the installer:
  1. Follow the installer’s instructions.
  2. Set the spryker-sdk alias.
  3. Export the SPRYKER_SDK_PATH env variable.

Install using the installation command

Install the SDF into the current folder:

PATH_TO_SDK=$(pwd) \
&& curl -fL github.com/spryker-sdk/sdk/releases/latest/download/installer.sh -O \
&& chmod +x installer.sh \
&& ./installer.sh "${PATH_TO_SDK}" \
&& rm -f installer.sh \
&& if [ -e ~/.zshrc ]; then source ~/.zshrc; else source ~/.bashrc; fi; \
echo "Current SDK version: $(spryker-sdk --version)"

Getting started

To get an overview on the available capabilities of the Spryker SDK, run spryker-sdk list.

Any task can be executed by running spryker-sdk <task-id> from project root folder. Using bin/console spryker-sdk <task-id> -h will give a description on what options can be passed into the task.