The Docker SDK

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Spryker Docker SDK is a tool designed to help you set up a Docker environment for your Spryker project.

The tool builds a production-like Docker infrastructure for Spryker based on the provided Deploy file.

Spryker Docker SDK is used for the following purposes:

  1. Building production-like Docker images.
  2. Serving as part of a development environment based on Docker.
  3. Simplifying the process of setting up a local demo of Spryker project.

This document provides details on how the Docker SDK is organized internally and works under the hood.

Docker SDK repository structure

The docker-sdk repository contains the following folders:

  • bin: structured sh commands that are copied and used in the containers.
  • ci: Travis deployment pipeline, basic tests.
  • context: service configurations, such as PHP, MySQL, nginx, etc.
  • deployment: Docker images, configs, and assets generated by the Docker SDK for the current project. These artefacts are necessary for building the Spryker application containers and services.
  • docs: usage documentation.
  • generator: generator of the deployment folder.
  • images: Docker files for services, applications, etc.

Docker/sdk boot command details

The Docker SDK boot command runs the generator application. The generator is deployed as a Docker container. It takes twig templates and project’s deploy.yml with context and generates the content of the deployment folder.

The boot command does the following:

  1. Prepares the env files for Glue, Zed, and Yves.
  2. Prepares endpoints and store-specific configs.
  3. Prepares the Nginx configuration for the frontend and gateway containers.
  4. Prepares the PHP and debug configuration.
  5. Prepares Terraform env files.
  6. Prepares Dashboard.
  7. Prepares the Docker image files and the docker-compose.yml file for local development.
  8. Generates bash scripts used by
  9. Shows the list of commands that are necessary to complete installation.

Docker/sdk up command details

The Docker SDK up command does the following:

  1. Prepares data in deployment/default/
    1. Mounts Mutagen:
      1. Removes the sync volume.
      2. Terminates Mutagen.
      3. Creates the volume.
    2. Builds app images in CLI with the docker/sdk build command.
    3. Tags application images with the docker/sdk tag command.
    4. Mounts codebase with the following commands:
      • install composer
      • install -s build
      • build-{mode}
    5. Mounts assets with the following commands:
      • install -s build-static
      • build-static-{mode}
    6. Builds frontend and gateway containers from an Nginx image.
  2. Runs containers:
    1. Runs before stack.
    2. Runs containers.
    3. Runs after stack.
  3. Loads data for each region:
    1. Skips if the database is not empty. If you provide the --data argument, then the command is “forced”.
    2. Installs and configures RabbitMQ on broker container with the rabbitmqctl add_vhost … command.
    3. Suspends scheduler and waits for job termination.
    4. Initiates storages for each store with the install -s init_storages_per_store command.
    5. If the database does not exist, creates it on MySQL or PostreSQL container.
  4. Starts a scheduler for each region and store with the install -s scheduler-setup command.

Docker/sdk working mode commands

In the testing mode, you can use the docker/sdk testing and docker/sdk (up|start) -t commands.

The docker/sdk testing command does the following:

  • Sets the SPRYKER_TESTING_ENABLE variable in the frontend, gateway, and app containers.
  • Builds and runs the webdriver container if it does not exist.
  • Stops the scheduler to ensure isolation and control.
  • Runs the CLI container and executes the requested command.

The docker/sdk (up|start) -t command does the following:

  • Sets the SPRYKER_TESTING_ENABLE variable in the frontend, gateway, and app containers.
  • Builds and runs the webdriver container if it does not exist.
  • Stops the scheduler to ensure isolation and control.
  • Executes the docker/sdk cli -t ... command to enter CLI container in the test mode or to run commands.
Leaving the testing mode

To leave the testing mode, run docker/sdk up|start. This command shuts down the web driver and starts the scheduler again.

In the debug mode, you can run the docker/sdk cli -x command. This command sets the SPRYKER_XDEBUG_ENABLE variable to allow CLI debugging.


Debugging from your browser by adding a cookie to the HTTP request works automatically.

Other docker/sdk commands

The docker/sdk run or start command does the following:

  • Executes the docker-compose up -d command.
  • Executes the docker-compose restart command that restarts the frontend and gateway containers.
  • Waits until the services are up and running.

The docker/sdk stop command stops running containers with the docker-compose stop command.

The docker/sdk restart command does the following:

  • Executes the docker/sdk stop command.
  • Executes the docker/sdk start command.

The docker/sdk install command prints information about what you should do to complete the installation. For example, it shows information about how to add hosts to the /etc/hosts file, warns about incompatible OS or software, etc.

The docker/sdk down command executes docker-compose down, which stops and removes containers and networks.

The docker/sdk prune command does the following:

  • Executes the docker-compose down -v command.
  • Executes the docker prune command for images, volumes, system, and builder.

The docker/sdk reset command does the following:

  • Executes docker-compose down -v
  • Executes docker/sdk up --build --assets --data --jobs

The docker/sdk clean-data command stops and removes the following containers and volumes with docker-compose down -v:

  • Logs
  • /data folder for Zed, Yves, and Glue
  • Broker data: /var/lib/rabbitmq
  • Session and key-value data: /data
  • Search data: /usr/share/elasticsearch/data
  • Scheduler data

The docker/sdk trouble command does the following:

  • Executes docker-compose down.
  • Cleans sync volumes for docker-sync.

The docker/sdk build command builds the following data:

  • Images: executes the docker build command for app and Nginx images; builds codebase and assets.
  • Codebase: executes composer install, install -s build, build-{mode}.
  • Assets: executes install -s build-static, build-static-{mode}.

The docker/sdk pull command executes docker-compose pull, which pulls all the external images, based on docker-compose.yml.

The docker/sdk demo command does the following:

  • Executes the docker-compose up -d command.
  • Runs the demo data installation process for each region.

The docker/sdk export images {tag} command is only for the baked mode. It does the following:

  • Builds and tags docker application images.
  • Based on assetsBuilder and CLI image, builds the assets builder docker image. Runs vendor/bin-install -s build-static build-static-{mode}.
  • Builds and tags frontend images.
  • Prints information about the built images.

The docker/sdk robot-framework {command} command executes sets of API and UI tests, built on the Robot Framework.

Development environment

The following schema illustrates the development environment with the Docker SDK: development-environment


Depending on the Spryker version used, instead of zed_eu, you can have the following containers: backoffice_eu, backend_gateway_eu, and backend_api_eu.

In the development environment, Gateway (Nginx) does the following:

  • Accepts all public HTTP requests.
  • Handles SSL connections.
  • Serves all non-application services.
  • Proxies application calls to Frontend (Nginx).

Frontend (Nginx) is an HTTP to FastCGI proxy for Glue, Yves, Zed, and serves assets.

Docker/sdk debug mode

The following schema illustrates the Docker/sdk debug mode:


Docker/sdk in SCCOS

The following schema illustrates how Docker/sdk is used in the Spryker Cloud Commerce OS (SCCOS): docker-sdk-in-sccos

Docker images

The following schemas illustrate the Docker images: docker-image-nesting

Docker images and containers: docker-images-and-containers

Extending Docker/sdk

To extend Docker/sdk, you can do the following:

  • To use a custom PHP or Nginx image and add extensions or libraries, you can change the application image:

       tag: spryker/php 8.0

    This approach is compatible with SCCOS, but provides limited customization possibilities.

  • To introduce “mocks” for development and CI/CD testing, you can use the Docker-compose extension:

           - {custom_compose_file_name}

    This approach works for development and CI/CD only, but it’s not compatible with SCCOS setup.