Using components

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To use a component, in Spryker Shop, you need to add it to a layout template (Twig file). Components can be added to other components (except atoms), views, page templates, and widgets. There are two possible strategies for this purpose: include and embed. In the following document, we shall review both of them.

Helper functions

Before adding a component, you need to locate it. There are 3 helper functions provided for this purpose. They are implemented the same way. Use the one that matches the component you want to add.

  • atom (name, module)
  • molecule (name, module)
  • organism (name, module)

The functions are implemented similarly and have the same arguments:

  • name (required): Specifies the component name,
  • module (optional): Specifies the name of the Spryker module where the component is implemented. Use this argument if you have two or more components with the same name and at the same level in different modules. If you don’t pass this argument, ShopUi is used by default.

The function returns the fully qualified component name that can be used in Twig, for example:

molecule('new-component-counter') returns @ShopUi/components/molecules/new-component-counter/new-component-counter.twig

organism('some-name', 'CartPage') returns @CartPage/components/organisms/some-name/some-name.twig


Include or Embed needs to be called with 2 arguments:

  • with {}: Defines the context to pass to the component;
  • only (Important): This mandatory attribute closes the context so that everything you pass via with {} is passed to the included object only.

The with{} attribute must pass the objects and variables that are defined in the component. They need to follow the contracts defined by the component itself. The most important of them is the data object that defines the data contract.

You must always pass required properties; otherwise, the component you are including will fail.

The most common attributes to include are:

  • data (required): Specifies the data passed to the component;
  • attributes (optional): Specifies the attributes to be passed;
  • class (optional): Used to inject custom class names into the component tag,
  • modifiers (optional): Used to enable component modifiers.

For more details, see section Twig in Atomic Frontend.


By including a component, you place it on a page as is. Each component has the data, attributes, and other properties that allow passing the necessary information to configure it, but apart from that, you can’t change it. The outlook of the component depends only on configuration. By including an element, you also pass the context of the page where it’s added. The following block demonstrates how to include component new-component-counter.

{% include molecule('new-component-counter') with {
    class: 'custom-classname',
    modifiers: ['big'],
    data: {
        name: 'Counting a tags...',
        description: 'How many links are there on this page?'
    attributes: {
        'element-selector': 'a'
} only %}

See component implementation in How To Create a Component.

Now, let us have a look at the embedded element on the page:

Embedded element


Embedding gives you more freedom with components. It allows you to modify the template of the component you include and even add additional elements to it. For example, you can add or remove blocks, arrange them differently etc. Unlike including, context is not passed via the embed statement, so you need to define the required contracts explicitly.

The following example shows how to embed a block to component new-component-counter. For this purpose, do the following:

  1. Add a new object called embed to the list of data that we pass. The object has one property, message, with the value of the actual message that is displayed.
  2. Change the template of the source component. To change the outlook of the component, we change its Twig template. In the below example, we remove everything from the block counter and add the new message instead.

The resulting Twig looks as follows:

{% embed molecule('new-component-counter') with {
    class: 'custom-classname',
    modifiers: ['big'],
    data: {
        name: 'Counting a tags...',
        description: 'How many links are there on this page?'
    attributes: {
        'element-selector': 'a'
    embed: {
        message: 'Woohoo!'
} only %}
    {% block body %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block counter %}
        <strong class="{{}}__counter {{config.jsName}}__counter"></strong>
    {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}

You can find the original Twig of the component in the “Create Component Template” section of Creating a Component.

The following image shows how it looks.

Updated embedded element