Benchmark: Performance audit tool

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The Benchmark tool allows you to profile requests to an application and see how long it takes to load a page and how much memory the application uses during these requests. This tool is based on PHPBench and is used inside Spryker.


To install the Benchmark tool, follow the steps below.

  1. Install the package via composer. You might want to add it to the composer dev section if you don’t want to use it on the production environment:
composer require --dev spryker-sdk/benchmark
  1. Update composer autoload-dev section to autoload your tests:
"autoload-dev": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Benchmark\\": "tests/Benchmark/"
  1. Add the new console command \SprykerSdk\Zed\Benchmark\Communication\Console\BenchmarkRunConsole to \Pyz\Zed\Console\ConsoleDependencyProvider:

namespace Pyz\Zed\Console;

use SprykerSdk\Zed\Benchmark\Communication\Console\BenchmarkRunConsole;

 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveMethodLength)
 * @method \Pyz\Zed\Console\ConsoleConfig getConfig()
class ConsoleDependencyProvider extends SprykerConsoleDependencyProvider
     * @param \Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command[]
    protected function getConsoleCommands(Container $container): array
        $commands = [

        if ($this->getConfig()->isDevelopmentConsoleCommandsEnabled()) {
            if (class_exists(BenchmarkRunConsole::class)) {
                $commands[] = new BenchmarkRunConsole();

        return $commands;

To have the same code on production and development environments, we recommend adding the class_exists check for the Benchmark console command.

  1. Create test folders, so there is a different folder for each application: tests/Benchmark(Yves|Glue|Zed).

  2. Add the bootstrap file to tests\Benchmark\bootstrap.php. The bootstrap file is a .php file that should be almost the same as your public index.php file–for example, public/Zed/index.php. The Benchmark tool has default bootstrap files out-of-the-box, but it’s recommended to add one on the project level, as shown below.



use Spryker\Shared\Config\Application\Environment;

define('APPLICATION', 'ZED');
defined('APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR') || define('APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR', dirname(__DIR__, 2));

require_once APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php';

  1. Add bootstrap files for each application tests\Benchmark\Yves|Zed|Glue\bootstrap.php:

require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';

That’s it. You now have the Benchmark tool installed.

Running the tests

To run the Benchmark’s tests, execute the following command:

vendor/bin/console benchmark:run

By default, all tests from the tests/Benchmark/*/* folders are run. However, you can use the optional argument path to run tests from a different application or folder.

vendor/bin/console benchmark:run --path=tests/Benchmark/(Yves|Zed|Glue)
vendor/bin/console benchmark:run --path=tests/Benchmark/Zed/HomePage

Writing the tests

Before you start writing the tests, check out the PHPBench documentation.

You can write tests without any additional knowledge, but Benchmark has some default helpers that can make writing benchmarks easier for Spryker:

  • RequestBuilder—helps you to build the Request object.
  • HttpHelper—sends a request.
  • LoginHelper—lets you log in with some credentials during or before the benchmark.
  • FormCsrfTokenHelper—lets you get a valid CSRF token if you want to submit a form on the page.

To use these helpers, there are several respective factory classes:

  • RequestBuilderFactory
  • HttpHelperFactory
  • LoginHelperFactory
  • CsrfTokenHelperFactory

Use the factories from the application that you write the test for.

Example of a benchmark

Here is an example of a benchmark:


namespace Benchmark\Yves\Cart;

use Benchmark\Yves\Cart\PageObject\CartPage;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use SprykerSdk\Shared\Benchmark\Request\RequestBuilderInterface;
use SprykerSdk\Yves\Benchmark\Helper\Http\HttpHelperFactory;
use SprykerSdk\Yves\Benchmark\Helper\Login\LoginHelperFactory;
use SprykerSdk\Yves\Benchmark\Request\RequestBuilderFactory;

class AddToCartBench
    protected const PRODUCT_CONCRETE_SKU = '066_23294028';

    protected const LOGIN_EMAIL = '';
    protected const LOGIN_PASSWORD = 'change123';

     * @var \SprykerSdk\Shared\Benchmark\Request\RequestBuilderInterface
    protected $requestBuilder;

     * @var \Generated\Shared\Transfer\LoginHeaderTransfer
    protected $loginHeader;

     * @var \SprykerSdk\Shared\Benchmark\Helper\Http\HttpHelperInterface
    protected $httpHelper;

     * @return void
    public function beforeAddingOneItemToCart(): void
        $this->requestBuilder = RequestBuilderFactory::createRequestBuilder();
        $this->httpHelper = HttpHelperFactory::createHttpHelper();
        $loginHelper = LoginHelperFactory::createLoginHelper();

        $this->loginHeader = $loginHelper->login(static::LOGIN_EMAIL, static::LOGIN_PASSWORD);

     * @BeforeMethods({"beforeAddingOneItemToCart"})
     * @return \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface
    public function benchAddingOneItemToCart(): ResponseInterface
        $headers[$this->loginHeader->getName()] = $this->loginHeader->getValue();

        $request = $this->requestBuilder->buildRequest(
            sprintf(CartPage::ADD_TO_CART_URL, static::PRODUCT_CONCRETE_SKU),

        return $this->httpHelper->send($request);