Upgrade Publish and Sync

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Upgrading from version 0.* to version 1.*

Version 1 of the Storage and the Search modules

Table indexes

In this version, Indexes were added to Storage and Search tables, this will increase the performance of Listeners and workers.

Store and Redis keys

Currently, Spryker supports multi-store and this should be adopted for the rest of the module. Some of the Storage and Search modules are not store aware, so for this reason the store column might be removed and this will impact the Redis key. Structure didn’t change. For those modules which do not belong to any store, we need to add a new property to schema.xml files

<behavior name="synchronization">
	<parameter name="queue_pool" value="synchronizationPool" />

For wiring the stores and sync queues you should configure it in store.php

$stores['DE']['queuePools']['synchronizationPool'] = [

Module layers

In Previous version the listener plugins has been extended from Abstract plugin classes and now this has changed because of obey the Spryker architecture and moved into business layer and open APIs from Facade classes.

Version 1 of the EventBehavior modules


The type of primary key of spy_event_behavior_entity_change table (id_event_behavior_entity_change) changed from INTEGER to BIGINT

Version 1 of the SynchronizationBehavior modules


A new property queue_pool has been added to SynchronizationBehavior, this allows sending the data to specific queue connection pool.