Receive ACP Messages

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Your Spryker project can receive ACP messages using the following commands:

Receive messages from all the channels:

console message-broker:consume

Receive messages from a specific channel:

console message-broker:consume {channel-name} # {channel-name} is the name of the channel, like `asset-commands`.

Receiving messages automatically

The preceding command must be executed periodically. To set up a periodic execution, configure Jenkins in config/Zed/cronjobs/jenkins.php:

$jobs[] = [
    'name' => 'message-broker-consume-channels',
    'command' => '$PHP_BIN vendor/bin/console message-broker:consume --time-limit=15 --sleep=5',
    'schedule' => '* * * * *',
    'enable' => true,
    'stores' => $allStores,