File system

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The FileSystem Service provides an abstraction for file systems. It uses the same interface to access different types of file systems, regardless of their location or protocol.

The Flysystem module provides plugins for the thephpleague/flysystem vendor package and implements FileSystem’s plugin interfaces. For more details, see Flysystem.

The FileSystem module

The FileSystem module uses FileSystemReaderPluginInterface to execute read operations, FileSystemWriterPluginInterface to execute write operations, and FileSystemStreamPluginInterface to handle big read or write operations.


FileSystem plugin interfaces system

FileSystemReaderPluginInterface Reading operations
FileSystemWriterPluginInterface Writing operations
FileSystemWriterPluginInterface Stream handling operations
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Plugin configuration

The FileSystem plugins are loaded using FileSystemDependencyProvider by the methods: addFileSystemReaderPlugin(), addFileSystemWriterPlugin() and addFileSystemStreamPlugin().

namespace Spryker\Service\FileSystem;

use Spryker\Service\Flysystem\Plugin\FileSystem\FileSystemReaderPlugin;
use Spryker\Service\Flysystem\Plugin\FileSystem\FileSystemStreamPlugin;
use Spryker\Service\Flysystem\Plugin\FileSystem\FileSystemWriterPlugin;
use Spryker\Service\Kernel\AbstractBundleDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container;

class FileSystemDependencyProvider extends AbstractBundleDependencyProvider
     * @param \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container
    protected function addFileSystemReaderPlugin(Container $container)
        $container[static::PLUGIN_READER] = function (Container $container) {
            return new FileSystemReaderPlugin();

        return $container;

     * @param \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container
    protected function addFileSystemWriterPlugin(Container $container)
        $container[static::PLUGIN_WRITER] = function (Container $container) {
            return new FileSystemWriterPlugin();

        return $container;

     * @param \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container $container
     * @return \Spryker\Service\Kernel\Container
    protected function addFileSystemStreamPlugin(Container $container)
        $container[static::PLUGIN_STREAM] = function (Container $container) {
            return new FileSystemStreamPlugin();

        return $container;

Service configuration

You can use multiple FileSystem modules at once. They are identified by name and contain all the configurations required by a specific FileSystem adapter and type defined under sprykerAdapterClass.

sprykerAdapterClass needs to point to the builder plugin used to create FileSystem.

Separate FileSystems for media and documents

You can create separate file systems for media content and documents.

For example, you can define two FileSystem modules. One is called media that only contains media-specific content like images, video, and audio. Another is called customer, which contains customer-sensitive information that can’t be stored in the cloud.

We use local file systems for development purposes but config for staging or production environments. Therefore, you can, for example, provide an AWS3 adapter without having to change any code. More precisely, with only configuration, you can read and write files from AWS3 with no need to change any code mirroring your development environment’s logic for writing to the local file system.

Development environment example:


use Spryker\Shared\FileSystem\FileSystemConstants;
use Spryker\Service\FlysystemLocalFileSystem\Plugin\Flysystem\LocalFilesystemBuilderPlugin;

$config[FileSystemConstants::FILESYSTEM_SERVICE] = [
    'media' => [
        'sprykerAdapterClass' => LocalFilesystemBuilderPlugin::class,
        'root' => APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/DE/media/',
        'path' => 'images/categories/',
    'customer' => [
        'sprykerAdapterClass' => LocalFilesystemBuilderPlugin::class,
        'root' => APPLICATION_ROOT_DIR . '/data/DE/customer_storage/',
        'path' => 'documents/',

Staging/Production environment example:


use Spryker\Shared\FileSystem\FileSystemConstants;
use Spryker\Service\FlysystemAws3v3FileSystem\Plugin\Flysystem\Aws3v3FilesystemBuilderPlugin;
use Spryker\Service\FlysystemFtpFileSystem\Plugin\Flysystem\FtpFilesystemBuilderPlugin;

$config[FileSystemConstants::FILESYSTEM_SERVICE] = [
    'media' => [
        'sprykerAdapterClass' => Aws3v3FilesystemBuilderPlugin::class,
        'root' => '/DE/',
        'path' => 'media/',
        'key' => '..',
        'secret' => '..',
        'bucket' => '..',
        'version' => '..',
        'region' => '..',
    'customer' => [
        'sprykerAdapterClass' => FtpFilesystemBuilderPlugin::class,
        'host' => '..',
        'username' => '..',
        'password' => '..',

FileSystem usage

After defining some FileSystem modules, you can start using them—for example, get metadata information of a media file stored under foo/bar.jpg.

use Generated\Shared\Transfer\FileSystemQueryTransfer;

$fileSystemQueryTransfer = new FileSystemQueryTransfer();

$metadataTransfer = $fileSystemService->getMetadata($fileSystemQueryTransfer);

Get metadata:

Define the FileSystem name provided in the configuration and set the path to the filename you want to extract metadata from.

The read methods use mostly FileSystemQueryTransfer, the write methods use mostly FileSystemContentTransfer, and stream methods use FileSystemStreamTransfer.