Integrate cache of unresolved entities for Zed

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Spryker allows extending certain classes (such as facades, clients, etc.) in projects and in multiple stores. Therefore each class can exist on the core, project, and store level. In addition to that, Spryker supports multiple namespaces for each level. Because of this, there exist multiple possible locations to look up such classes. To avoid unnecessary usages of the expensive class_exists() function that does the job, Spryker provides a caching mechanism that writes all non-existing classes into a cache file for Zed. For more details, see Activate Class Resolver Cache in Performance Guidelines.

Follow the steps below to integrate Cache of Unresolved Entities for Zed into your project to improve performance.

1) Install the required modules

Install the required module:

composer update spryker/kernel

2) Set up behavior

Add Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Plugin\AutoloaderCacheEventDispatcherPlugin to Pyz\Zed\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherDependencyProvider:


namespace Pyz\Zed\EventDispatcher;

use Spryker\Zed\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherDependencyProvider as SprykerEventDispatcherDependencyProvider;
use Spryker\Zed\Kernel\Communication\Plugin\AutoloaderCacheEventDispatcherPlugin;

class EventDispatcherDependencyProvider extends SprykerEventDispatcherDependencyProvider
     * @return \Spryker\Shared\EventDispatcherExtension\Dependency\Plugin\EventDispatcherPluginInterface[]
    protected function getEventDispatcherPlugins(): array
        return [
            new AutoloaderCacheEventDispatcherPlugin(),

That’s it. You now have the Cache of Unresolved Entities for Zed feature installed.