Add navigation in the Back Office

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This document describes how to make a controller action accessible in the navigation bar.

There are two places to define the navigation configuration:

  • In the global configuration file: config/Zed/navigation.xml.
  • In a module configuration file: src/Pyz/Zed/{moduleName}/Communication/navigation.xml.
Replace a placeholder

Replace {moduleName} with the actual module name.

Define a navigation merge strategy

When you add navigation on a project level, you need to merge it with the core navigation. There are two strategies to do that: BREADCRUMB_MERGE_STRATEGY and FULL_MERGE_STRATEGY.

Using BREADCRUMB_MERGE_STRATEGY, the first two levels of project-level navigation elements replace the core-level ones. All the project-level navigation elements below level two are appended to the core-level navigation elements. Use this strategy to avoid duplication of the navigation elements that can have different parent elements in core and project-level navigations.

Using FULL_MERGE_STRATEGY, all the project-level navigation elements are appended to the core-level navigation elements.

To define a merging strategy, follow these steps:

  1. Add the following code to src/Pyz/Zed/ZedNavigation/ZedNavigationConfig.php.

namespace Pyz\Zed\ZedNavigation;

use Spryker\Zed\ZedNavigation\ZedNavigationConfig as SprykerZedNavigationConfig;

class ZedNavigationConfig extends SprykerZedNavigationConfig
     * @return string
    public function getMergeStrategy(): string
        return static::{merging_strategy};
  1. Replace {merging_strategy}with the desired merging strategy type.

Add navigation using the global navigation configuration

After you’ve defined a navigation merge strategy, do the following to add a controller action to the navigation bar:

  1. Add the following XML block within the configuration tag scope of config/Zed/navigation.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <label>Hello World</label>
        <title>Hello World</title>
  1. Build a navigation cache to apply the changes:
vendor/bin/console application:build-navigation-cache

Add navigation using the module navigation configuration

After you’ve defined a navigation merge strategy, do the following to add a controller action to the navigation bar:

  1. Define the new menu point in the navigation configuration of the module:
touch src/Pyz/Zed/HelloWorld/Communication/navigation.xml
  1. Insert the following into the created file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <label>Hello World</label>
        <title>Hello World</title>
  1. Build the navigation cache to apply the changes:
vendor/bin/console application:build-navigation-cache

Reload the Back Office page. You can see the Greeter navigation element under the Hello World navigation element.

Hide root navigation elements

When navigation XML files are merged, you can hide a root element by adding a visible keyword. Add the following to config/Zed/navigation.xml:
