Upgrade the Elastica module

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This migration guide is a part of the Search migration effort.

The Elastica module is a wrapper around third-party library for interacting with Elasticsearch. It does not contain any code and usually should not be updated alone. Its version is managed either by the Search module or by the SearchElasticsearch module.

Upgrading from version 5.0.0 to version 6.0.0

The 6th version of the Elastica module installs version 7 of the ruflin/elastica package required for interacting with Elasticsearch 7.

Estimated migration time: less than 1 minute

To upgrade the module, install or update it through composer:

composer require "spryker/elastica:6.0.0" --update-with-dependencies

Upgrading from version 4.0.0 to version 5.0.0

This version of the Elastica module installs version 6 of the ruflin/elastica package required for interacting with Elasticsearch 6.

Estimated migration time: less than 1 minute

To upgrade the module, install or update it through composer::

composer require "spryker/elastica:5.0.0" --update-with-dependencies