Glue API: Add items with discounts to guest carts

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This document describes how to add items with discounts to guest carts. For full information on the endpoint, see Manage guest cart items.


For detailed information on the modules that provide the API functionality and related installation instructions, see the following docs:

Add items to a guest cart

To add items to a guest cart, send the following request:

POST /guest-cart-items

Creating a guest cart
  • If a guest cart does not exist for the current user, and you send a request to add items, a guest cart is created automatically. Otherwise, the items are added to the existing guest cart.
  • Guest users have one cart by default. You can optionally specify its ID by using the following endpoint. The information in this section is valid for both endpoints.

POST /guest-carts/{{guest_cart_id}}/guest-cart-items

{{guest_cart_id}} The unique ID of the guest cart. To get it, retrieve a guest cart.


X-Anonymous-Customer-Unique-Id 164b-5708-8530 A guest user’s unique ID. For security purposes, we recommend passing a hyphenated alphanumeric value, but you can pass any. If you are sending automated requests, you can configure your API client to generate this value.
include Adds resource relationships to the request.
  • cart-rules
  • vouchers
Request sample: add a promotional item with the cart-rules relationship to a guest cart
Cart rules

To add the promotional product to cart, make sure that the cart fulfills the cart rules for the promotional item.


    "data": {
        "type": "guest-cart-items",
        "attributes": {
            "sku": "112_306918001",
            "quantity": "1",
            "idPromotionalItem": "bfc600e1-5bf1-50eb-a9f5-a37deb796f8a"
Request sample: add items with vouchers to a guest cart


    "data": {
        "type": "guest-cart-items",
        "attributes": {
            "sku": "057_32007641",
            "quantity": 1
sku String Specifies the SKU part number of the item to place on the new guest cart. To use promotions, specify the SKU of one of a product being promoted. Concrete product SKU required.
quantity Integer Specifies the number of items to place on the guest cart. If you add a promotional item and the number of products exceeds the number of promotions, the exceeding items will be added without promotional benefits.
idPromotionalItem String The ID of the Promotional item. You need to specify the ID to apply the promotion benefits.


Response sample: add a promotional item with the cart-rules relationship to a guest cart
    "data": {
        "type": "guest-carts",
        "id": "1ce91011-8d60-59ef-9fe0-4493ef3628b2",
        "attributes": {
            "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "store": "DE",
            "name": "My Cart",
            "isDefault": true,
            "totals": {
                "expenseTotal": 0,
                "discountTotal": 13192,
                "taxTotal": 15107,
                "subtotal": 113207,
                "grandTotal": 100015
            "discounts": [
                    "displayName": "For every purchase above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. you get this promotional product for free",
                    "amount": 2079,
                    "code": null
                    "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                    "amount": 11113,
                    "code": null
            "thresholds": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
Response sample: add a promotional item with the cart-rules relationship
    "data": {
        "type": "guest-carts",
        "id": "1ce91011-8d60-59ef-9fe0-4493ef3628b2",
        "attributes": {
            "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "store": "DE",
            "name": "My Cart",
            "isDefault": true,
            "totals": {
                "expenseTotal": 0,
                "discountTotal": 13192,
                "taxTotal": 15107,
                "subtotal": 113207,
                "grandTotal": 100015
            "discounts": [
                    "displayName": "For every purchase above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. you get this promotional product for free",
                    "amount": 2079,
                    "code": null
                    "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                    "amount": 11113,
                    "code": null
            "thresholds": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "relationships": {
            "cart-rules": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "cart-rules",
                        "id": "6"
                        "type": "cart-rules",
                        "id": "1"
    "included": [
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "134_29759322",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "134_29759322",
                "quantity": "1",
                "groupKey": "134_29759322",
                "abstractSku": "134",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 1879,
                    "sumPrice": 1879,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 1879,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 1879,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 270,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 270,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 1879,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 1879,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 188,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 188,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 188,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 188,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 1691,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 1691
                "salesUnit": null,
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "118_29804739",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "118_29804739",
                "quantity": "1",
                "groupKey": "118_29804739",
                "abstractSku": "118",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 6000,
                    "sumPrice": 6000,
                    "taxRate": 0,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 6000,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 6000,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 0,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 0,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 6000,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 6000,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 600,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 600,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 600,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 600,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 5400,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 5400
                "salesUnit": null,
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "139_24699831",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "139_24699831",
                "quantity": "1",
                "groupKey": "139_24699831",
                "abstractSku": "139",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 3454,
                    "sumPrice": 3454,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 3454,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 3454,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 496,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 496,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 3454,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 3454,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 345,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 345,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 345,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 345,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 3109,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 3109
                "salesUnit": null,
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "136_24425591",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "136_24425591",
                "quantity": 3,
                "groupKey": "136_24425591",
                "abstractSku": "136",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 33265,
                    "sumPrice": 99795,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 33265,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 99795,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 4780,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 14341,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 99795,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 33265,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 3327,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 9980,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 3327,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 9980,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 29938,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 89815
                "salesUnit": null,
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "112_306918001-promotion-1",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "112_306918001",
                "quantity": "1",
                "groupKey": "112_306918001-promotion-1",
                "abstractSku": "112",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 2079,
                    "sumPrice": 2079,
                    "taxRate": 0,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 2079,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 2079,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 0,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 0,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 2079,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 2079,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2079,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 2079,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2079,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2079,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 0,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 0
                "salesUnit": null,
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "cart-rules",
            "id": "6",
            "attributes": {
                "amount": 2079,
                "code": null,
                "discountType": "cart_rule",
                "displayName": "For every purchase above certain value depending on the currency and net/gross price. you get this promotional product for free",
                "isExclusive": false,
                "expirationDateTime": "2020-12-31 00:00:00.000000",
                "discountPromotionAbstractSku": "112",
                "discountPromotionQuantity": 2
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "cart-rules",
            "id": "1",
            "attributes": {
                "amount": 11113,
                "code": null,
                "discountType": "cart_rule",
                "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                "isExclusive": false,
                "expirationDateTime": "2020-12-31 00:00:00.000000",
                "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
                "discountPromotionQuantity": null
            "links": {
                "self": ""
Response sample: add items with cart rules to a guest cart
    "data": {
        "type": "guest-carts",
        "id": "c9310692-2ab0-5edc-bb41-fee6aa828d55",
        "attributes": {
            "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "store": "DE",
            "totals": {
                "expenseTotal": 0,
                "discountTotal": 14554,
                "taxTotal": 20914,
                "subtotal": 145540,
                "grandTotal": 130986,
                "priceToPay": 130986
            "discounts": [
                    "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                    "amount": 14554,
                    "code": null
            "thresholds": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "relationships": {
            "cart-rules": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "cart-rules",
                        "id": "1"
    "included": [
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "077_24584210",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "077_24584210",
                "quantity": 10,
                "groupKey": "077_24584210",
                "abstractSku": "077",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 14554,
                    "sumPrice": 145540,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 14554,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 145540,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 2091,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 20914,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 145540,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 14554,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 1455,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 14554,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 1455,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 14554,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 13099,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 130986
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "cart-rules",
            "id": "1",
            "attributes": {
                "amount": 14554,
                "code": null,
                "discountType": "cart_rule",
                "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                "isExclusive": false,
                "expirationDateTime": "2022-02-26 00:00:00.000000",
                "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
                "discountPromotionQuantity": null
            "links": {
                "self": ""
Response sample: add items with vouchers to a guest cart
    "data": {
        "type": "guest-carts",
        "id": "c9310692-2ab0-5edc-bb41-fee6aa828d55",
        "attributes": {
            "priceMode": "GROSS_MODE",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "store": "DE",
            "totals": {
                "expenseTotal": 0,
                "discountTotal": 25965,
                "taxTotal": 25692,
                "subtotal": 186879,
                "grandTotal": 160914,
                "priceToPay": 160914
            "discounts": [
                    "displayName": "5% discount on all white products",
                    "amount": 7277,
                    "code": null
                    "displayName": "10% Discount for all orders above",
                    "amount": 18688,
                    "code": null
            "thresholds": []
        "links": {
            "self": ""
        "relationships": {
            "vouchers": {
                "data": [
                        "type": "vouchers",
                        "id": "sprykerku2f"
    "included": [
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "077_24584210",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "077_24584210",
                "quantity": 10,
                "groupKey": "077_24584210",
                "abstractSku": "077",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 14554,
                    "sumPrice": 145540,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 14554,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 145540,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 1975,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 19752,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 145540,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 14554,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 2183,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 21831,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 2183,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 21831,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 12371,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 123709
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "guest-cart-items",
            "id": "057_32007641",
            "attributes": {
                "sku": "057_32007641",
                "quantity": 1,
                "groupKey": "057_32007641",
                "abstractSku": "057",
                "amount": null,
                "calculations": {
                    "unitPrice": 41339,
                    "sumPrice": 41339,
                    "taxRate": 19,
                    "unitNetPrice": 0,
                    "sumNetPrice": 0,
                    "unitGrossPrice": 41339,
                    "sumGrossPrice": 41339,
                    "unitTaxAmountFullAggregation": 5940,
                    "sumTaxAmountFullAggregation": 5940,
                    "sumSubtotalAggregation": 41339,
                    "unitSubtotalAggregation": 41339,
                    "unitProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "sumProductOptionPriceAggregation": 0,
                    "unitDiscountAmountAggregation": 4134,
                    "sumDiscountAmountAggregation": 4134,
                    "unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 4134,
                    "sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation": 4134,
                    "unitPriceToPayAggregation": 37205,
                    "sumPriceToPayAggregation": 37205
                "selectedProductOptions": []
            "links": {
                "self": ""
            "type": "vouchers",
            "id": "sprykerku2f",
            "attributes": {
                "amount": 7277,
                "code": "sprykerku2f",
                "discountType": "voucher",
                "displayName": "5% discount on all white products",
                "isExclusive": false,
                "expirationDateTime": "2022-02-10 00:00:00.000000",
                "discountPromotionAbstractSku": null,
                "discountPromotionQuantity": null
            "links": {
                "self": ""
guest-cart-items, bundle-items, bundled-items sku String SKU of the product.
guest-cart-items, bundle-items, bundled-items quantity Integer Quantity of the given product in the cart.
guest-cart-items, bundle-items, bundled-items groupKey String Unique item identifier. The value is generated based on product parameters.
guest-cart-items, bundle-items, bundled-items abstractSku String Unique identifier of the abstract product that owns the concrete product.
guest-cart-items amount Integer Amount of the products in the cart.
guest-cart-items unitPrice Integer Single item price without assuming is it net or gross. This value should be used everywhere a price is disabled. It allows switching the tax mode without side effects.
guest-cart-items sumPrice Integer Sum of all items prices calculated.
guest-cart-items taxRate Integer Current tax rate in per cent.
guest-cart-items unitNetPrice Integer Single item net price.
guest-cart-items sumNetPrice Integer Sum of all items’ net price.
guest-cart-items unitGrossPrice Integer Single item gross price.
guest-cart-items sumGrossPrice Integer Sum of items gross price.
guest-cart-items unitTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given item with additions.
guest-cart-items sumTaxAmountFullAggregation Integer Total tax amount for a given amount of items with additions.
guest-cart-items sumSubtotalAggregation Integer Sum of subtotals of the items.
guest-cart-items unitSubtotalAggregation Integer Subtotal for the given item.
guest-cart-items unitProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total product option price.
guest-cart-items sumProductOptionPriceAggregation Integer Item total of product options for the given sum of items.
guest-cart-items unitDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Item total discount amount.
guest-cart-items sumDiscountAmountAggregation Integer Sum Item total discount amount.
guest-cart-items unitDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Sum total discount amount with additions.
guest-cart-items sumDiscountAmountFullAggregation Integer Item total discount amount with additions.
guest-cart-items unitPriceToPayAggregation Integer Item total price to pay after discounts with additions.
guest-cart-items sumPriceToPayAggregation Integer Sum of the prices to pay (after discounts).
guest-cart-items salesUnit Object List of attributes defining the sales unit to be used for item amount calculation.
guest-cart-items Integer Numeric value that defines the sales units to calculate the item amount in.
guest-cart-items salesUnit.amount Integer Amount of product in the defined sales units.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions array List of attributes describing the product options that were added to the cart with the product.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions.optionGroupName String Name of the group to which the option belongs.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions.sku String SKU of the product option.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions.optionName String Product option name.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions.price Integer Product option price in cents.
guest-cart-items selectedProductOptions.currencyIsoCode String ISO 4217 code of the currency in which the product option price is specified.
vouchers, cart-rules displayName String Discount name displayed on the Storefront.
vouchers, cart-rules amount Integer Amount of the provided discount.
vouchers, cart-rules code String Discount code.
vouchers, cart-rules discountType String Discount type.
vouchers, cart-rules isExclusive Boolean Discount exclusivity.
vouchers, cart-rules expirationDateTime DateTimeUtc Date and time on which the discount expires.
vouchers, cart-rules discountPromotionAbstractSku String SKU of the products to which the discount applies. If the discount can be applied to any product, the value is null.
vouchers, cart-rules discountPromotionQuantity Integer Specifies the amount of the product required to be able to apply the discount. If the minimum number is 0, the value is null.

For the attributes of guest carts, see Retrieve discounts in guest cart.

Possible errors

101 Cart with given uuid not found.
102 Failed to add an item to cart.
103 Item with the given group key not found in the cart.
104 Cart uuid is missing.
107 Failed to create cart.
109 Anonymous customer unique id is empty.
110 Customer already has a cart.
112 Store data is invalid.
113 Cart item cannot be added.
115 Unauthorized cart action.
116 Currency is missing.
117 Currency is incorrect.
118 Price mode is missing.
119 Price mode is incorrect.

To view generic errors that originate from the Glue Application, see Reference information: GlueApplication errors.